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Sukarna Sukarna  -  Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
*Khairil Anwar Notodiputro  -  IPB University, Indonesia
Bagus Sartono  -  IPB University, Indonesia
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Classification methods are commonly employed to ensure homogeneous data within each group, facilitating the prediction of specific categories. The most frequently used classification models are Logistic Model Tree (LMT) and Random Forest (RF). This study aims to assess the accuracy rate in predicting the poverty status of regencies or towns across Indonesia, utilizing eight independent variables. The entire dataset was obtained from the official Central Bureau of Statistics website. The study investigates the accuracy of various iterations and combinations of training data. The results indicate that RF outperforms LMT in terms of accuracy, achieving a 100% improvement in iterations k=10 and k=500 and a 75% improvement in iteration k=100. Consequently, the RF proves to be more effective than the LMT for analyzing Indonesian poverty data, especially when incorporating all eight independent variables.
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Keywords: Decision Tree; Logistic Model Tree; Random Forest; Poverty; Model Classification

Article Metrics:

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