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From Nursing to Courtroom: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Preparations, Motivations, and Barriers of Nurses Becoming Lawyers

*Homelo Valenzuela Estoque  -  Far Eastern University, Philippines
Reynold Culimay Padagas  -  Jose Rizal University, Philippines
Open Access Copyright (c) 2021 Nurse Media Journal of Nursing
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Background: Transitioning is a common phenomenon that happens such as in a career shift provoked by either internal or external factors. This phenomenon also occurs to nurses becoming lawyers. Considering its complexity, such transition entails a process.
Purpose: This study aimed to describe and uncover the preparations, motivations, ad barriers of nurses who transitioned into nurse-lawyers in the Philippines.
Methods: The study employed descriptive-qualitative research design utilizing twenty participants selected through purposive and snowball or referral sampling techniques. A semi-structured interview guide was used for the data collection using Google form. Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis was utilized as the primary treatment of the transcribed data. Strict observance of ethical standards in conducting research was ensured.
Results: The study found out several themes and subcategories from the thematic analysis conducted. These included (1) “pre-planning emotive expressions”; (2) “motivations of career shift”; (3) “support mechanisms to afford career shift”; (4) “barriers to career shift”; (5) “the interconnectedness of law and nursing”; and (6) “impacts of the career shift.”
Conclusion: Generally, the career shift of the nurse-lawyers presented significant themes pertinent to their preparations, motivations, and barriers in becoming lawyers. Apparently, these are all primordial in the career transition of the nurse-lawyers. Essentially, the study provides preliminary findings that may become springboard in the construction of a grounded theory that would explicate the transition of the nurse-lawyers as a phenomenon uniting and expanding nursing and the practice of law as complementary sciences.

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Keywords: Nurse-laywers; career transition; qualitative research

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