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Factors Affecting the Implementation and Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice among Nurse Practitioners in Hail Region, Saudi Arabia

*Majed Shafi Alshammari  -  Department of Nursing, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
Raad Alshurtan  -  Hail General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Gadah Alsuliman  -  Hail General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Marzoogha Alshammari  -  Hail General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Housam Alhamazani  -  Hail General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Samiha Alshammry  -  Hail General Hospital, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Richard Dennis Dayrit  -  Department of Nursing, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
Mohannad Alkwiese  -  Department of Nursing, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2021 Nurse Media Journal of Nursing
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Background: While previous studies explored the implementation and barriers to evidence-based practice (EBP), there is a dearth of literature on the causative factors such as demographics that affect the implementation and barriers to EBP.

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the implementation of EBP and determine its barriers as perceived by nurse practitioners.

Methods: This study employed a quantitative correlational design. A total of 228 staff nurses from the hospitals in the Hail region, Saudi Arabia, participated in this study through purposive sampling. The evidence-based practice questionnaire (EBPQ) and the barriers scale questionnaire were used to collect the data between June and July 2020. The descriptive statistics, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the collected data.

Results: The nurses showed a positive attitude (x=15.25±5.07), good knowledge (x=63.44±19.81), as well as good application of EBP (x=28.02±6.68) with an outstanding EBP score of 106.73 out of 168. Nurses’ civil status (p<0.02), nationality (p<0.05), highest degree (p<0.01), job title (p<0.001), and years of experience (p<0.001) significantly affected the implementation of EBP. Also, the biggest barriers to EBP were: “No time to read research” (94.3%), “Research is not readily available” (97.8%), “Not capable to evaluate the quality of research” (90.4 %), and “Uncertain whether to believe results” (68.4%).

Conclusion: Nurses have a positive attitude, good knowledge, and good application of EBP. Civil status, nationality, highest degree, job title, and years of experience were causative factors to EBP. Nurses in hospitals should undergo training continuously to be able to use EBP effectively.
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Keywords: evidence-based practice; nurse practitioners; perceptions; quality of healthcare; Saudi Arabia
Funding: Not applicable

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Last update: 2025-03-24 03:07:53

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