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Sikap Remaja Perempuan Terhadap Pencegahan Kanker Serviks Melalui Vaksinasi HPV di kota Semarang

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Kanker serviks merupakan the silent killer diseases dengan penderita risiko tinggi pada perempuan mulai umur 20 tahun sehingga remaja perempuan perlu melakukan tindakan preventif secara dini melalui vaksinasi HPV. Tuiuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan sikap remaja perempuan terhadap pencegahan kanker serviks melalui vaksinasi HPV, dengan sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswi berlatar belakang kesehatan dari empat universitas di Kota Semarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap remaja perempuan mendukung pencegahan kanker serviks melalui vaksinasi HPV (92,9%). Dari uji statistik terlihat ada hubungan antara keyakinan remaja perempuan dengan sikap (p=0,00), ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap (p=0,005), ada hubungan antara sikap keluarga dengan sikap remaja perempuan (p=0,009). Dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa keyakinan terhadap viksinasi HPV pengetahuan tentang kanker serviks dan vaksin HPV serta sikap keluarga terhadap vaksinasi HPV merupakan factor yang berhubungan dengan sikap remaja perempuan terhadap pencegahan kanker serviks melalui vaksinasi HPV.

Kata kunci : sikap, kanker serviks, vaksin HPV, remaja

The factors associated with attiude factors adolescent girl to prevention cervical cancer through HPV vaccination; Cervical cancer is the silent killer disease with high risk patients in women starting at 20 years old that adolescent girls need to take some prevention action at an early stage through HPV vaccination. This study investigate the factors associated with attitude factors adolescent girls to prevention cervical cancer through HPV vaccination, with sample were student with medical backgrounds from four universities in the Semarang City. These result indicate that the attitude of adolescent girls support the prevention of cervical cancer through HPV vaccination (92,9%). The results of the chi square test statistic showed associated between adolescent girls with an attitutde (p=0.00), associated between knowledge with attitude (p=0,005), associated between familly attitude with the attitude of adolescent girls (p=0,009). Conclution this study is belief of against HPV vaccination, knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV vaccines and family attitudes toward HPV vaccination is a factor related to adolescent female attitudes towaids the prevention of cervical cancer through HPV vaccination.

Keyword : attitude, cervical cancer, HPV vaccination, girls adolescent

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