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Analysis of the Smear Zone Effect due to PVD Installation on the Embankment Consolidation Process with 2D and 3D Plaxis

Analisis Efek Smear Zone Akibat Pemasangan PVD terhadap Proses Konsolidasi Timbunan dengan Plaxis 2D dan 3D

*titi titi hayati  -  Sumatera utara university, Indonesia
Roesyanto Roesyanto  -  Sumatera utara university, Indonesia
Rudi Iskandar  -  Sumatera utara university, Indonesia

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The method of preloading and vertical drainage is one of the popular methods used to increase shear strength of soft soil. Initial loading is carried out with the aim of consolidating the soil layer with a large or equal load greater than the load that will be carried by the ground both during and after construction. While vertical drainage can speed up the evaluation process. The development of a vertical drainage system is the use of PVD (Prefebricate Vertical Drain). PVD is installed to drain the air that is dissipated in the preparation process. Analysis to compare the settlement that occurred in the Reklamasi Peti Kemas Belawan Fase II project with modeling on Plaxis 2D and 3D with and without using the smear zone effect. From the analysis, the settlement that occurred on consolidation process with Plaxis 2D modeling with and without the effect of the smear zone effect was 2,288 meters and 1,922 meters while the 3D Plaxis modeling obtained 2,077 meters for analysis without changing the effect of the smear zone and 1,930 meters for analysis with calculate the effect of the smear zone.

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Keywords: Preloading method, PVD, Plaxis, consolidation

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  1. Exploiting prefabricated vertical drain for ground improvement: a numerical and field approach

    Sudipta Chakraborty, Saddam Hossain, Mehedi Ahmed Ansary. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 16 (7), 2023. doi: 10.1007/s12517-023-11528-5

Last update: 2025-03-10 17:15:26

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