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Total 96 citations from 43 documents. Source: Scopus search (Last update: 2025-03-26 05:08:51).

  1. Bertha Silvia Pratiwi, Sri Sangkawati Sachro, Suharyanto Suharyanto

    Citation: 2 | | Volume 23, Nomor 1, JULI 2017 | pp. 29-37 | Lang: ID | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.%v.%i.%p
  2. Rian Mantasa Salve Prastica, Caya Maitri, Pratomo Cahyo Nugroho, Ade Hermawan

    Citation: 2 | | Volume 23, Nomor 2, DESEMBER 2017 | pp. 91-101 | Lang: ID | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v23i2.15981
  3. Rudi Yuniarto Adi, Ilham Nurhuda, Sukamta Sukamta, Intan Fitriani

    Citation: 1 | | Volume 20, Nomor 1, JULI 2014 | pp. 1-8 | Lang: EN | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v20i1.9241
1 - 25 of 43 Items
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