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Analisis Stabilitas pada Lereng dengan Perkuatan Tanaman Vetiver Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga 3D

Slope Stability Analysis with Vetiver Plant Reinforcement using 3D Finite Element Method

*Indra Noer Hamdhan scopus  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional , Indonesia
Desti Santi Pratiwi  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional , Indonesia
Rizka Adisya Kamila Rahmah  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Nasional , Indonesia

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A landslide is the downslope movement of a soil mass or rock or debris of both (Bobrowski and Highlind, 2008). One of the measures to mitigate slope erosion that causes landslide is by applying bio-engineering system using a vegetation called Vetiver (Vetiveria Zizanioides). The purpose of  this study is to analyze slope stability with a vegetation system using PLAXIS 3D software based on finite elements method and referring to the guidelines from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing with the title Guidelines for Vetiver Grass Planting for Surface Erosion Control and Prevention of Shallow Landslides on Road Slopes.The result shows that the deeper the Vetiver root modelled will increase the value of the safety factor, reinforcement using vegetation is effective on 30° slopes in PLAXIS 3D. The percentage increase in the value of the safety factior generated by PLAXIS 3D is 10.94%.

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Keywords: Slope stability; safety factor; vetiver; PLAXIS 3D

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Last update: 2025-03-13 22:34:13

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