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*Bangun I R Harsritanto  -  departemen arsitektur, fakultas teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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On this Vol 23 no2, MODUL has published 5 scienteific articles. With compiling the information of all published articles, this editorial try to provide a resume using theory of architecture education limitation
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Keywords: limit; grow; change; education; architecture
  1. Ismail, M. K., Hayati, A., & Setijanti, P. (2023) Manifestasi Struktur Keluarga Besar Pada Guna Ruang Domestik Hunian Multigenerasi. MODUL, 23(1), 10-21
  2. Loye, D. (1978). The knowable future: A psychology of forecasting and prophecy. New York Wiley-Interscience. iUniverse
  3. Loye, D., & Eisler, R. (1987). Chaos and transformation: Implications of nonequilibrium theory for social science and society. Behavioral science, 32(1), 53-65
  4. Meliansari, s. R., & ellisa, e. (2023) The placelessness of kampung kapitan palembang: cagar budaya di ambang kehancuran. MODUL, 23(1), 50-59
  5. Riskiyanto, R. (2023) Apprenticeship program for prospective professional indonesian architects. MODUL, 23(1)
  6. Riswanto, M., Sari, S. R., & Rukayah, R. S. (2023) Perubahan Fungsi Ruang Akibat Perkembangan Pariwisata Di Desa Wisata Dieng Kulon Banjarnegara. MODUL, 23(1), 60-67
  7. Sekarlangit, N., & Satwiko, P. (2023) Arsitektur Nabati: Respon Ruang Paska Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia. MODUL, 23(1), 1-9
  8. Sukawi, S., Hardiman, G., & Rukayah, R. S. Cultural Acculturation in the Landlord Family Residence in Kampung Kulitan Semarang. MODUL, 23(1), 30-36
  9. Suwondo, G. E., Sunaryo, R. G., & Damayanti, R. (2023). Pengaruh elemen persisten terhadap kualitas street front kawasan alun-alun kota banyuwangi. MODUL, 23(1), 30-36
  10. Wardhani, M. K., & Wang, Z. (2023) Spatial Dialogues of Historic Alley through Serial Vision Theory (Case Study: Pontocho Roji and Jalan Rukunan). MODUL, 23(1), 22-29

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