BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Nusa19329, author = {Suharyo Suharyo}, title = {Nasib Bahasa Jawa dan Bahasa Indonesia dalam Pandangan dan Sikap Bahasa Generasi Muda Jawa}, journal = {Nusa: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra}, volume = {13}, number = {2}, year = {2018}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Abstract This study aims to reveal the fate of the Java language on the one hand and the Indonesian language on the other hand through the selection and defense of language (Indonesia and Java) by the younger generation. How young people choose language as a means of expression in the realm of house and the realm of friendship. (A) determining the location and population and sample, (b) questionnaire distribution to a number of respondents who were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, (c) nonparticipant observation in the daily life of the younger generation, (d) structured interviews and depth using snowball method which then analyzed qualitatively. The population of this research is the entire younger generation of Javanese who live in Central Java. The target population of this study is the younger generation of the various regions who live in Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, and Tegal, while the sample was selected randomly. The result shows that (1) the younger generation of Java uses more BI (Bahasa Indonesia) than Javanese (BJ) both in the home and friendship, (2) the young generation of Java will use 100% BI when someday have a spouse, (3) the younger generation of Java has a negative attitude towards BJ, being ignorant of BI, and not proud of BI, (4) the younger generation is more familiar with the vocabulary such as downloads, stakeholders, gadgets, than in BI, and (5) estimated BJ (especially manners) in the next 2 or 3 generations will be abandoned by the younger generation of Java. Intisari Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap nasib bahasa bahasa Jawa di satu sisi dan bahasa Indonesia di sisi lain melalui pemilihan dan pemertahanan bahasa (Indonesia dan Jawa) oleh generasi muda. Bagiamana kaum muda memilih bahasa sebagai alat ekspresinya pada ranah rumah dan ranah persahabatan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dilakukan (a) menentukan lokasi dan populasi serta sampel, (b) penyebaran angket ke sejumlah responden yang kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif, (c) observasi nonpartisipan pada kehidupan sehari-hari generasi muda, (d) wawancara terstruktur dan mendalam dengan menggunakan metode snowball yang kemudian dianalaisis secara kualitatif. Populasi penelitin ini adalah seluruh generasi muda Jawa yang tingal di Jawa Tengah. Adapun populasi sasaran penelitian ini adalah generasi muda dari berbagai daerah yang tinggal di Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, dan Tegal, sedangkan sampel dipilih secara acak. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa (1) generasi muda Jawa lebih banyak mengunakan BI (Bahasa Indonesia) daripada bahasa Jawa (BJ) baik pada ranah rumah maupun persahabatan, (2) generasi muda Jawa akan menggunakan 100 % BI ketika kelak memiliki pasangan hidup, (3) generasi muda Jawa memiliki sikap negatif terhadap BJ, bersikap abai terhadap BI, dan tidak bangga terhadap BI, (4) generasi muda lebih familiar terhadap kosakata-kokata seperti download, stakeholder, gadget, daripada padan katanya dalam BI, dan (5) diperkirakan BJ (terutama ragam krama ) pada 2 atau 3 generasi mendatang akan ditinggalkan oleh generasi muda Jawa.}, issn = {2597-9558}, pages = {244--255} doi = {10.14710/nusa.13.2.244-255}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
This study aims to reveal the fate of the Java language on the one hand and the Indonesian language on the other hand through the selection and defense of language (Indonesia and Java) by the younger generation. How young people choose language as a means of expression in the realm of house and the realm of friendship. (A) determining the location and population and sample, (b) questionnaire distribution to a number of respondents who were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, (c) nonparticipant observation in the daily life of the younger generation, (d) structured interviews and depth using snowball method which then analyzed qualitatively. The population of this research is the entire younger generation of Javanese who live in Central Java. The target population of this study is the younger generation of the various regions who live in Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, and Tegal, while the sample was selected randomly. The result shows that (1) the younger generation of Java uses more BI (Bahasa Indonesia) than Javanese (BJ) both in the home and friendship, (2) the young generation of Java will use 100% BI when someday have a spouse, (3) the younger generation of Java has a negative attitude towards BJ, being ignorant of BI, and not proud of BI, (4) the younger generation is more familiar with the vocabulary such as downloads, stakeholders, gadgets, than in BI, and (5) estimated BJ (especially manners) in the next 2 or 3 generations will be abandoned by the younger generation of Java.
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