Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{PAROLE7828, author = {Sulis Triyono}, title = {BENTUK DAN FUNGSI IRREALER KONJUNKTIV DALAM KALIMAT BAHASA JERMAN}, journal = {PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education}, volume = {4}, number = {2 Oct}, year = {2015}, keywords = {forms and functions of irrealer Konjunktiv}, abstract = { This paper aims to describe forms of subjunctive sentences and their functions in German sentences. Based on the studies that have been conducted, it can be concluded that there are five forms of irrealer Konjunktiv in German sentences. Based on the functions, irrealer Konjunktiv includes: (1) irrealer Wünschsatz used to express the subjunctive indicating a wish, (2) irrealer Bedinungssatz used to express the conditional subjunctive, (3) Umschreibung des Konjunktivs II used to express an honorific meaning, (4) irrealer Vergleichssatz used to express a personification for one to be compared to another, and (5) irrealer Folgesatz used to express the subjunctive by giving ( Verstärkung ) an emphasis using adverbs. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk irrealer Konjunktiv ’kalimat perumpamaan’ dan fungsinya dalam kalimat bahasa Jerman. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk irrealer Konjunktiv dalam kalimat bahasa Jerman terdiri atas lima bentuk perumpamaan. Berdasarkan fungsinya, irrealer Konjunktiv meliputi: (1) irrealer Wünschsatz berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan pengandaian yang bermakna keinginan, (2) irrealer Bedinungssatz berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan pengandaian bersyarat , (3) Umschreibung des Konjunktivs II mit würde + Infinitiv berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan pengandaian yang bermakna hormat, (4) irrealer Vergleichssatz berfungsi untuk membandingkan seseorang dengan yang lain , dan (5) irrealer Folgesatz atau Konsekutivsatz berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan pengandaian dengan cara memberikan penegasan ( Verstärkung ) dengan kata adverbial}, issn = {23380683}, pages = {88--98} doi = {10.14710/parole.v4i2 Oct.88-98}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/parole/article/view/7828} }
Refworks Citation Data :
This paper aims to describe forms of subjunctive sentences and their functions in German sentences. Based on the studies that have been conducted, it can be concluded that there are five forms of irrealer Konjunktiv in German sentences. Based on the functions, irrealer Konjunktiv includes: (1) irrealer Wünschsatz used to express the subjunctive indicating a wish, (2) irrealer Bedinungssatz used to express the conditional subjunctive, (3) Umschreibung des Konjunktivs II used to express an honorific meaning, (4) irrealer Vergleichssatz used to express a personification for one to be compared to another, and (5) irrealer Folgesatz used to express the subjunctive by giving (Verstärkung) an emphasis using adverbs.
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