ISSN: 2338-0683 (Online)
2087-345X (Print)
How to Submit An Article
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How To Review An Article
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To track your submission's progress through the review and editorial process, you will need to log into the journal web site, and choose your role as Author. Click on the linked title to go to the submission record.
Figure 1. Active Submissions
From the resulting 'Summary' page, you will see links to Summary, Review, and Editing pages. Each of these pages will provide details about your submission.
Figure 2. Selecting Submission Summary
The Summary section contains several sections, including Submission, which displays the author names, submission title, original submission file, any supplementary files, the ability to add a supplementary file, the name of the submitter, the date submitted, the section the article is assigned to, the editor responsible for the submission, and the comments to editor you made as part of your submission (see above).
Figure 3. Submission Summary
The Status section lets you know where your submission is in the publishing process (see above for status possibilities). It also lets you know when you made your submission and the date of the most recent status change.
Figure 4. Status
The final section outlines the submission metadata, including author details, title, abstract, indexing, and supporting agency. You can modify any of this information by selecting Edit Metadata.
Figure 5. Submission Metadata
If your submission is In Review, you can view its details in the Review section (linked from the top of your page).
Figure 6. Selecting Submission Review
First, you will see the basic submission information again.
Figure 7. Submission Information
Below that is the Peer Review section. You will see information about each round of review (there may be one or more) and any revised files (e.g., a version of your original submission file with changes marked in) uploaded by each reviewer (Reviewer A, Reviewer B, etc.).
Figure 8. Peer Review
Last on this page is the Editor Decision section. From this section you can notify the editor once you have submitted your revised submission file, view the reviewer comments (click on the cloud icon), and upload your revised submission file (if revisions were required).
Figure 9. Editor Decision
Possible decisions include:
Accept: Your submission has been accepted as is.
Revisions Required: Your submission requires minor changes and will be accepted once those have been completed.
Resubmit for Review: Your submission needs significant re-working. A new file must be submitted and another round of review will take place.
Reject: Your submission was not accepted for publication with this journal, either because it was not seen to be of high enough quality, or its subject did not match the journal.
Your submission is considered "In Editing" once it has been approved for publication. It will then need to go through copyediting to correct any grammatical or stylistic errors, layout editing to create the published galleys (e.g., HTML or PDF), and proofreading to take one final look at the article before it is made publicly available.
If your submission is In Editing, you can view its details in the Editing section (linked from the top of your page). The first section again includes basic submission information.
Figure 10. Selecting Submission Editing
In the next section, you can follow the copyediting process.
Figure 11. Copyediting
Step 1: The journal's Copyeditor has made changes to the reviewed submission file. You can download a revised copy here (e.g., 6-11-1-ED.DOCX).
Step 2: You will review the Copyeditor'ss changes, and make any final changes of your own. You then upload your revised submission file here. Be sure to use the email icon to notify the Copyeditor that you have submitted your file.
Step 3: The Copyeditor takes a last look at your changes before passing the submission over to the Layout Editor. No action is required by the author.
Copyedit comments can be added using the icon near the bottom of this section. There is also a link to "Copyedit Instructions".
The next stage in the editorial process is layout editing. The Layout Editor takes the final copyedited version of the submission and converts it into a format suitable for publishing on the journal web site (e.g., typically HTML or PDF). These are known as the "galleys".
Figure 12. Layout
The final editing stage is proofreading. It is also broken down into 3 steps.
Figure 13. Proofreading
Once the galleys have been uploaded by the Layout Editor, you will receive an email from the editor asking that you review them and note any errors in the Proofreading Corrections comments. Proofing Instructions are also available. To view these, you will need to login to the journal and select the appropriate submission link:
Figure 14. Active Submissions
On the resulting screen, you can use the View Proof links to display the files. You can click the linked file names (e.g, 1-95-1-PB.HTML) to download a copy.
Figure 15. Layout
Review the files and make any comments using the Layout Comments icon.
Figure 16. Corrections
Once you have completed your review and noted any necessary changes, hit the Complete button.
Figure 17. Proofreading
This will generate an email informing the Proofreader and Section Editor that you are satisfied with the galleys.
Figure 18. Sending Email
The journal's own Proofreader will also check for errors and make their own notes and inform the Layout Editor when all proofreading is complete. No action is required by the Author.
The Layout Editor takes all of the notes and incorporates all of the changes into revised galleys. These are then ready to publish. No action is required by the Author.
You have now completed all of the steps involved in submitting to the journal and participating in the review and editing of your submission.
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