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Kajian Kesesuaian Pembangunan Ruko Terhadap Kebutuhan Pasar di Kota Mataram

*Husnul Khatimah  -  Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Indonesia

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Activity increase in Mataram causes the increase of land demand for settlement and trades facilities. The demand doesn’t match by sufficient land availability, thus shop-house (ruko) is seen as solution to fulfill the needs of housing and trades facilities. But today, the existence of shop-house has become problem, people consider the over-scattered and idle shop-house doesn’t bring maximal services delivery. Those conditions as the main consideration of the research with aim measuring whether the shop-house development really meet the market needs or not. Results of analysis shows that the effectiveness of each shop-house, is just in effective level (not reached maximum/very effective), but the spatial policy implementation discrepancies are still found in the some distric. This condition is caused by the existence of shop-house located outside the trade area as well as the number of shop-houses already exceeds the market needs, resulting in a massive untapped shop. An excess amount of shop-house is caused by lack of government control in granting permission to construct the shop-house and the speculative motive of the owners of capital. Handling the shop-houses that have been built and exceed the needs can be done by applying spatial sanctions, ranging from a written warning, suspension service shop, site closure, revocation of permits, demolition, restoration of function space and administrative fines.
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Keywords: shop-house; spatial planning policy; effectiveness; urban development
Funding: jpwk

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    Imam Tanthowi, Herlindah Herlindah, Supriyadi Supriyadi. Begawan Abioso, 15 (1), 2024. doi: 10.37893/abioso.v15i1.843

Last update: 2025-02-10 21:05:27

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