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Potensi Kawat Baja Sebagai Pengikat Tiang Dengan Pelat dalam Menahan Beban

The Potential Of Steel Wire As A Binder With Plates To Withstand Loads

*Deardo Samuel Saragih  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Simalungun University, Indonesia
Novdin Manoktong Sianturi  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Simalungun University, Indonesia
Virgo Erlando Purba  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Simalungun University, Indonesia
Dermina Roni Santika Damanik  -  Department of Civil Engineering, Simalungun University, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2020 TEKNIK

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Road and bridge construction needs to be supported by a strong system, both in terms of material and connections between structural elements. A pile reinforcement connection system with slab support construction on it needs to be considered to work together in carrying the load. Therefore, research is needed to determine how much effect the steel wire has as a binding pile with a plate in resisting uniform loads on it. This research was conducted by testing the model in a laboratory on a test medium that was reinforced with the pile with the slab system. Pile joints are distinguished bound perfectly and unbound. A reduction settlement analysis is performed on the difference in settlement for bound and unbound piles. The results showed that the pile system's performance, which was bound with steel wires on the slab, was better at resisting loads. This is known from the reduction of settlement for bound and unbound piles, which is 11.43% for the time stage and 11.51% for the load stage. The system can work together so that the stability of construction is better maintained and more durable.
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Keywords: connection; pile; slab; steel wires; settlement; uniform load

Article Metrics:

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