BibTex Citation Data :
@article{Transmisi3615, author = {M. Lukmanul Hakim dan Sukiswo Sukiswo dan Imam Santoso}, title = {Analisis Kinerja Sistem MIMO-OFDM pada Kanal Rayleigh dan AWGN dengan Modulasi QPSK}, journal = {Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a transmission technique uses multiple frequencywhich each carrier is orthogonal. Each sub-carriers are modulated with a conventional modulation technique at a low symbol rate. This modulation can be modulated Phase Shift Keying (PSK). Problem of interference or multipath fading can be handled withMIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). This system uses a number of antennatransmitterand receiverto make the signal reflection as the main signal amplifier so that will support each other . This final project simulates performance of MIMO-OFDM with Alamouti STBC (Space Time Block Code) and MRC (Maximal Ratio Combining) withQPSK modulation at Rayleigh Fading Distribution Channel and AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise). The simulation results shows it need s Eb/No = 5dB to achieve BER = 10 -5 in both MIMO techniques.BER = 0 when Eb/No greater than 5 dB at STBC and BER = 0 when Eb/No greater than 5 dB at STBC . Better BER of MIMO STBC than MIMO MRC found on almost all values of Eb/No. Based on the simulation, performance ofSTBC-OFDM technique have advantages 1 dB fromMRC-OFDM technique to achieve BER = 0. Keyword : OFDM, STBC, MIMO, BER }, issn = {2407-6422}, pages = {150--154} doi = {10.12777/transmisi.12.4.150-154}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is a transmission technique uses multiple frequencywhich each carrier is orthogonal. Each sub-carriers are modulated with a conventional modulation technique at a low symbol rate. This modulation can be modulated Phase Shift Keying (PSK).Problem of interference or multipath fading can be handled withMIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). This system uses a number of antennatransmitterand receiverto make the signal reflection as the main signal amplifier so that will support each other . This final project simulates performance of MIMO-OFDM with Alamouti STBC (Space Time Block Code) and MRC (Maximal Ratio Combining) withQPSK modulation at Rayleigh Fading Distribution Channel and AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise). The simulation results shows it need s Eb/No = 5dB to achieve BER = 10-5in both MIMO techniques.BER = 0 when Eb/No greater than 5 dB at STBC and BER = 0 when Eb/No greater than 5 dB at STBC . Better BER of MIMO STBC than MIMO MRC found on almost all values of Eb/No. Based on the simulation, performance ofSTBC-OFDM technique have advantages 1 dB fromMRC-OFDM technique to achieve BER = 0.
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Analyze of Single RF Front End Performance on MIMO System using V-BLAST Detection for Convolutional Code Encoder and Viterbi Decoder
Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro dan Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro dan Editor berusaha keras untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada data, pendapat, atau pernyataan yang salah atau menyesatkan dipublikasikan di jurnal. Dengan cara apa pun, isi artikel dan iklan yang diterbitkan dalam Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro adalah tanggung jawab tunggal dan eksklusif masing-masing penulis dan pengiklan.
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