BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JAA20488, author = {Sudarno Sudarno}, title = {ANALISIS PERAN KARYAWAN DALAM HUBUNGAN ANTARA DUKUNGAN PIMPINAN DENGAN FEKTIVITAS SPIP DAN KUALITAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN}, journal = {JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN AUDITING}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, year = {2018}, keywords = {quality of finansial statement, the role of efectivness SPIP, competence, commitment, motivation, and leadership supported}, abstract = { The implication of issuance of Law No. 17/ 2003 on State Finance and Law No 71/ 2010 on Government Accounting Standard (SAP), the state universities have to compile and present finansial statements. The purposes of this research are to investigate factors which are affecting the quality of finansial statement, the role of effectiveness SPIP to the effect of and to identify the characteristic of develop a finansial statement and level of leadership supported at state higher education in Jawa Tengah and DI Yogyakarta. Population of this research was the accounting division responsible for preparing financial statements in 15 state universities in Jawa Tengah and DI Yogyakarta. Assuming each division had 7 staff; questionnaires were distributed by posts and couriers to 105 staff. Data from 67 respondents (63,81%) were analyzed by path analysis by using PLS 2.0. This study supported the role of efectivness SPIP in developing a high quality of finansial statement. The commitment and motivation affects to quality of finansial statement indirectly through efectivness SPIP. However, this research has not enough evidence to said that competency affects to efectivness SPIP. The other, The results of this study tend to support mediation hypothesis that leadership supported affects to efectivness SPIP and quality of finansial statement indirectly through competency, commitment and motivation. }, issn = {2549-7650}, pages = {115--137} doi = {10.14710/jaa.15.1.115-137}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
The implication of issuance of Law No. 17/ 2003 on State Finance and Law No 71/ 2010 onGovernment Accounting Standard (SAP), the state universities have to compile and present finansial statements. The purposes of this research are to investigate factors which are affectingthe quality of finansial statement, the role of effectiveness SPIP to the effect of and to identify thecharacteristic of develop a finansial statement and level of leadership supported at state highereducation in Jawa Tengah and DI Yogyakarta. Population of this research was the accountingdivision responsible for preparing financial statements in 15 state universities in Jawa Tengahand DI Yogyakarta. Assuming each division had 7 staff; questionnaires were distributed by postsand couriers to 105 staff. Data from 67 respondents (63,81%) were analyzed by path analysis byusing PLS 2.0. This study supported the role of efectivness SPIP in developing a high quality offinansial statement. The commitment and motivation affects to quality of finansial statementindirectly through efectivness SPIP. However, this research has not enough evidence to said thatcompetency affects to efectivness SPIP. The other, The results of this study tend to supportmediation hypothesis that leadership supported affects to efectivness SPIP and quality offinansial statement indirectly through competency, commitment and motivation.
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Last update: 2025-03-13 18:36:42
Editorial Office of Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing, Department of AccountingFaculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro UniversityJalan Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia 50275Telp.: +62 24-76486843Email: