BibTex Citation Data :
@article{BFIS3087, author = {Fenti Listiyani and M. Irham Nurwidyanto and Gatot Yulianto}, title = {Penentuan Kedalaman dan Ketebalan Akuifer Menggunakan Metode Seismik Bias (Studi Kasus Endapan Alluvial Daerah Sioux Park, Rapid Creek, South Dakota, United State of America)}, journal = {BERKALA FISIKA}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Data processing of refraction Seismic has been done by using the secondary data in area of Sioux Park, Rapid Creek, South Dakota, United State of America with the trajectory of seismic SP#1 which has geology structure of alluvial sediment. The sediment Alluvial has a form of water carrier rock precipitated by Rapid Creek Tthe data processing of refraction Seismic usedin this experiment is Reciprocal Hawkins methode that represent a method that develop concept of time depth recognition. The time Depth from the refractor is equal for the travel of critical time from the aspect of between refractor and surface less than time required for the ray path of projection of area refractor at a speed of refractor. Results of the seismic refracted obtained: first layer consist of clay functioning as covering laye, the second layer lapped over from clay, sand, and gravel functioning as carrier coat irrigate or coat acquife and the third layer lapped over from stone napal, functioning as waterproof coat ( impermeable). Deepness of layer acquifer vary from 0.93 ft - 12.01 ft ( 0.28 m – 3.66 m), and their thickness vary from 0.86 ft – 14.43 ft ( 0.26 m – 4.40 m). The geometry of these acquiferare in the form of free acquifer or unconfined aquifer . Keywords: seismic refraction, ground water }, pages = {109--113} url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Data processing of refraction Seismic has been done by using the secondary data in area of Sioux Park, Rapid Creek, South Dakota, United State of America with the trajectory of seismic SP#1 which has geology structure of alluvial sediment. The sediment Alluvial has a form of water carrier rock precipitated by Rapid Creek Tthe data processing of refraction Seismic usedin this experiment is Reciprocal Hawkins methode that represent a method that develop concept of time depth recognition. The time Depth from the refractor is equal for the travel of critical time from the aspect of between refractor and surface less than time required for the ray path of projection of area refractor at a speed of refractor. Results of the seismic refracted obtained: first layer consist of clay functioning as covering laye, the second layer lapped over from clay, sand, and gravel functioning as carrier coat irrigate or coat acquife and the third layer lapped over from stone napal, functioning as waterproof coat ( impermeable). Deepness of layer acquifer vary from 0.93 ft - 12.01 ft ( 0.28 m – 3.66 m), and their thickness vary from 0.86 ft – 14.43 ft ( 0.26 m – 4.40 m). The geometry of these acquiferare in the form of free acquifer or unconfined aquifer.
Keywords: seismic refraction, ground water
Last update:
Last update: 2025-02-01 13:02:22
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Departemen FisikaFakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas DiponegoroGedung Departemen Fisika Lt. I, Kampus FSM UNDIP Tembalang Semarang 50275Telp & Fax. (024) 76480822