BibTex Citation Data :
@article{BULOMA25349, author = {Khoirol Fatoni and Tunggul Puliwarna and Parluhutan Manurung}, title = {Teknologi Pengukuran Online Pasang Surut Dengan Sensor Ultrasonik dan Berbasis Realtime Web}, journal = {Buletin Oseanografi Marina}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, year = {2019}, keywords = {ultrasonik; online; GPRS; pasang surut; real time;}, abstract = { Pengembangan teknologi sensor ultrasonik yang relatif terjangkau dan berkualitas untuk pemantauan dinamika muka air laut di perairan Indonesia dapat dikatakan masih relatif minim di Indonesia. Sementara kebutuhan studi untuk kepentingan riset hidrografi, oseanografi, kegiatan pelayaran, riset datum vertikal, dan pemantauan bencana seperti banjir dan bencana tsunami, sangat penting dikembangkan. Di era 4.0 saat ini, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi data digital GPRS sudah hampir mencakup seluruh pelosok negeri, ditambah banyaknya komponen elektronik dan sensor yang dapat diintegrasikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, maka lebih mudah menerapkan konsep pengukuran dengan sistem online yang mempunyai kemampuan realtime monitoring terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknologi sistem pengukuran realtime yang terdiri atas 5 komponen yang terintegrasi yaitu; 1) Sensor pemantau tinggi permukaan air presisi, 2) Data Logger dengan microcontroller yang mengatur sensor, modem GPRS/GSM , power system, memory card , dan GPS Timing , 3) Cloud data server , dan 4) Aplikasi online monitoring . Pengukuran dengan sistem online ini sudah diinstalasi Pushidrosal untuk kepentingan pengukuran pasang surut periode panjang di beberapa lokasi strategis, serta seluruh stasiun menghasilkan data sekitar 98% per tahun. Peralatan pengukuran yang dihasilkan, mudah dioperasikan, mudah dimobilisasi, kandungan material lokal, serta data yang diperoleh mempunyai ketelitian pengamatan < 1% dengan ketinggian terkontrol GPS serta interval pengukuran hingga 1 menit. The development of ultrasonic sensor technology that is relatively affordable and of high quality for monitoring sea level dynamics in Indonesian waters can be said to be still relatively minimal in Indonesia. While the need for studies for research purposes is required to serve various applications as such as hydrographic research, oceanography, shipping activities, vertical datum research, and monitoring disasters such as floods and tsunami disasters, are very important to be developed. In the 4.0 era, the development of GPRS digital data communication technology has almost covered all corners of the country, plus many electronic components and sensors that can be integrated according to needs, it is easier to apply the concept of measurement with online systems that have realtime monitoring capabilities connected to the internet network. The results showed the realtime measurement system technology consisting of 5 integrated components namely; 1) Sensor for precision water level monitoring, 2) Data Logger with a microcontroller that controls sensors, GPRS / GSM modem, power system, memory card, and GPS Timing, 3) Cloud data server, and 4) Online monitoring application. Measurement with this online system has been installed by Indonesian Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center for measuring long-term tides in several strategic locations, and all stations produce about 98% of data per year. Measuring equipment e asy to operate, easy to mobilize, local material content, as well as data obtained has observation accuracy <1% with GPS controlled altitude, and data interval until 1 minutes. }, issn = {2550-0015}, pages = {75--80} doi = {10.14710/buloma.v8i2.25349}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Pengembangan teknologi sensor ultrasonik yang relatif terjangkau dan berkualitas untuk pemantauan dinamika muka air laut di perairan Indonesia dapat dikatakan masih relatif minim di Indonesia. Sementara kebutuhan studi untuk kepentingan riset hidrografi, oseanografi, kegiatan pelayaran, riset datum vertikal, dan pemantauan bencana seperti banjir dan bencana tsunami, sangat penting dikembangkan. Di era 4.0 saat ini, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi data digital GPRS sudah hampir mencakup seluruh pelosok negeri, ditambah banyaknya komponen elektronik dan sensor yang dapat diintegrasikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, maka lebih mudah menerapkan konsep pengukuran dengan sistem online yang mempunyai kemampuan realtime monitoring terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknologi sistem pengukuran realtime yang terdiri atas 5 komponen yang terintegrasi yaitu; 1) Sensor pemantau tinggi permukaan air presisi, 2) Data Logger dengan microcontroller yang mengatur sensor, modem GPRS/GSM, power system, memory card, dan GPS Timing, 3) Cloud data server, dan 4) Aplikasi online monitoring. Pengukuran dengan sistem online ini sudah diinstalasi Pushidrosal untuk kepentingan pengukuran pasang surut periode panjang di beberapa lokasi strategis, serta seluruh stasiun menghasilkan data sekitar 98% per tahun. Peralatan pengukuran yang dihasilkan, mudah dioperasikan, mudah dimobilisasi, kandungan material lokal, serta data yang diperoleh mempunyai ketelitian pengamatan < 1% dengan ketinggian terkontrol GPS serta interval pengukuran hingga 1 menit.
The development of ultrasonic sensor technology that is relatively affordable and of high quality for monitoring sea level dynamics in Indonesian waters can be said to be still relatively minimal in Indonesia. While the need for studies for research purposes is required to serve various applications as such as hydrographic research, oceanography, shipping activities, vertical datum research, and monitoring disasters such as floods and tsunami disasters, are very important to be developed. In the 4.0 era, the development of GPRS digital data communication technology has almost covered all corners of the country, plus many electronic components and sensors that can be integrated according to needs, it is easier to apply the concept of measurement with online systems that have realtime monitoring capabilities connected to the internet network. The results showed the realtime measurement system technology consisting of 5 integrated components namely; 1) Sensor for precision water level monitoring, 2) Data Logger with a microcontroller that controls sensors, GPRS / GSM modem, power system, memory card, and GPS Timing, 3) Cloud data server, and 4) Online monitoring application. Measurement with this online system has been installed by Indonesian Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center for measuring long-term tides in several strategic locations, and all stations produce about 98% of data per year. Measuring equipment easy to operate, easy to mobilize, local material content, as well as data obtained has observation accuracy <1% with GPS controlled altitude, and data interval until 1 minutes.
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