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*Nadidah Ayu Syafitri  -  Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Bina Darma, Indonesia
Muhammad Izman Herdiansyah  -  Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Bina Darma, Indonesia

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Bina Darma University (UBD) as one of the university based information technology currently has been assisted by the use of IT in implementing its strategy. University 4.0 is a university that makes students as a learning center and assisted by the use of IT.  UBD in conducting learning has been assisted by e-learning which is one of the benchmarks of 4.0 University perspectives. E-Learning implementation assists the learning process by students and lecturers. The performance of the e-learning system has not been measured. Measurements are performed to improve the quality of e-learning systems in the 4.0 university perspective. To perform analysis used the IT framework Balanced Scorecard consisting of four perspectives namely Corporate Contribution/Business Contribution, User Orientation, Operational Excellence and Future Orientation. The result of this research is an improved analysis of quality and strategies to improve the quality of e-learning systems in the 4.0 university perspective.

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Keywords: performance; quality analysis; IT Balanced Scorecar; E-Learning

Article Metrics:

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