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*Andang Suryana Soma orcid scopus  -  Graduate School of Bio-Resources and Environmental Science, Kyushu University, Japan
Tetsuya Kubota scopus  -  Kyushu University, Japan

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The study aims to develop and apply land use change (LUC) performance on landslide susceptibility map using frequency ratio (FR), and Logistic regression (LR) method in a geographic information system. In the study area, Upper Ujung-loe Watersheds area of Indonesia, landslides were detected using field survey and air photography from time series data image of Google Earth Pro from 2012 to 2016 and LUC from 2004 to 2011. Landslide susceptibility map (LSM) was constructed using FR and LR with nine causative factors. The result indicated that LUC affect the production of LSM. Validation of landslide susceptibility was carried out in this study at both with and without LUC causative factors. First, performances of each landslide model were tested using AUC curve for success and predictive rate. The highest value of predictive rate at with LUC in both FR and LR method were 83.4 % and 85.2 %, respectively. In the second stage, the ratio of landslides falling on high to a very high class of susceptibility was obtained, which indicates the level of accuracy of the method.LR method with LUC had the highest accuracy of 80.24 %. Taken together, the results suggested that changing the vegetation to another landscape causes slopes unstable and increases probability to landslide occurrence.
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Keywords: Land use change, landslide susceptibility, frequency ratio, logistic regression
Funding: BPPLN DIKTI 2015, Hasanuddin University, Kyushu University

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Last update: 2025-02-17 12:33:57

  1. Optimization of causative factors using logistic regression and artificial neural network models for landslide susceptibility assessment in Ujung Loe Watershed, South Sulawesi Indonesia

    Andang Suryana Soma, Tetsuya Kubota, Hideaki Mizuno. Journal of Mountain Science, 16 (2), 2019. doi: 10.1007/s11629-018-4884-7
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