BibTex Citation Data :
@article{geoplanning51085, author = {Lamyaa Taha and Asmaa Mandouh}, title = {Assessment of Random Forest and Neural Network for Improving Land Use/ Land Cover Mapping from LIDAR Data and RGB Image: A Case Study of Magaga-El-Menia Governorate, Egypt}, journal = {Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Feature Detection, Intensity, Neural Network, Machine Learning}, abstract = { The goals of this article are to improve classification of land use/land cover information using LIDAR data and RGB images, as well as to compare the performance of various supervised machine learning classifiers (random forest and neural network) for extracting land use/land cover information. The 3D coordinates are first transferred to a high-resolution raster via interpolation. Height and intensity raster grids are formed. Second, various raster maps - a normalized digital surface model (nDSM), the difference of returns, and the LiDAR intensity image -are combined to create a multi-channel image. Five scenarios with different combinations were created. Finally, on the five separate datasets, several classifications based on random forest and neural network classifiers were performed. The classification findings were subjected to a quantitative accuracy check. A comparison of these five methodologies has been conducted. Following that, morphological operations were used to eliminate noise. The results revealed also that the fourth approach is the best followed by the third approach then the last approach then the second approach followed by the first approach. It was discovered that random forest classification outperforms neural network classification in terms of classification accuracy. }, issn = {2355-6544}, pages = {17--30} doi = {10.14710/geoplanning.11.1.17-30}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
The goals of this article are to improve classification of land use/land cover information using LIDAR data and RGB images, as well as to compare the performance of various supervised machine learning classifiers (random forest and neural network) for extracting land use/land cover information. The 3D coordinates are first transferred to a high-resolution raster via interpolation. Height and intensity raster grids are formed. Second, various raster maps - a normalized digital surface model (nDSM), the difference of returns, and the LiDAR intensity image -are combined to create a multi-channel image. Five scenarios with different combinations were created. Finally, on the five separate datasets, several classifications based on random forest and neural network classifiers were performed. The classification findings were subjected to a quantitative accuracy check. A comparison of these five methodologies has been conducted. Following that, morphological operations were used to eliminate noise. The results revealed also that the fourth approach is the best followed by the third approach then the last approach then the second approach followed by the first approach. It was discovered that random forest classification outperforms neural network classification in terms of classification accuracy.
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