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About Journal

Humanika  ISSN 2502-5783 (online),  ISSN 1412-9418 (print) is an open access, bilingual (English-Indonesian), and peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, Indonesia. This Journal published twice a year (June and December).

Editor in Chief: Prof Dr Iriyanto Widisuseno (Diponegoro University)

The publication of Humanika journal (Keputusan Rektor No.095 / SK / JO7 / 2002) is consistent, published regularly twice a year until now. This achievement is due to the support of various parties who can not be mentioned one by one. Humanika journal always emphasizes the philosophy of science. This is because a scientific study never knows the end of an intellectual journey (an unfinished journey). Science is something that never stops the question (an unending quest), so the truth of science is always tentative. The editorial team hopes that the readers and writers are willing to offer suggestions, constructive criticism to improve quality of the next issue.


HUMANIKA accept articles in the following areas:

1. Language

2. Literature

3. Culture and Society

4. Anthropology

5. Philosophy