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Characterizing the Three Different Alginate Type of Sargassum siliquosum

1Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University,, Indonesia

2Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University,, Indonesia

Received: 25 Feb 2017; Published: 1 Mar 2017.

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This research was aimed to identify the brown seaweed, to characterize the acid, sodium and calcium alginate, and to examine the alginate yield. The identification was done phaenotypically. The extraction method was pretreated by ethanol depigmentation, followed by the extraction of Na2CO3/EDTA and CaCl2  and presipitated with absolute ethanol. The characterization of alginate was done by FT-IR spectroscopy and Thin Layer Chromatography by comparing the samples with standard alginate (Sigma, USA). The key of identification  showed that the species was Sargassum siliquosum. There are similarities in signal vibration and TLC spots among the samples and the standard. The TLC test was also showed that those alginates contain mannuronic and guluronic acid. The highest yield was produced by Sodium alginate (40,34% + 0,21), followed by Acid alginate (11,51% + 0,15) and Calcium alginate (4,8% + 0,09).


Keywords: alginate, characterization, Sargassum siliquosum, yield

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