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The Influence of Temperature - Food Availability on the Tissue Growth of Sea Scallop Placopecten magellanicus

Adi Santoso1, 2, 3

1Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science,, Indonesia

2Diponegoro University, Semarang – Indonesia, Indonesia

3E-mail :, Indonesia

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Studi terhadap pertumbuhan kerang simping Placopecten magellanicus, yang dibudidayakan dengan metode “suspended culture” telah dilakukan selama tujuh bulan di lokasi budidaya di Graves Shoal, Mahone Bay,
Nova Scotia, Kanada. Benih scallop muda dipelihara dalam pearl nets dengan kepadatan 30-35 ekor dan ditempatkan pada empat lokasi yang mewakili perairan permukaan (7 m), dasar perairan (14 m), di luar lokasi
budidaya (outer edge), di tengah-tengah lokasi budidaya (centre). Pertumbuhan jaringan lunak (whole tissue weight) diamati setiap bulan sekali. Monitoring terhadap suhu dan ketersediaan pakan pada permukaan dan dasar perairan juga dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pertumbuhan pada jaringan lunak lebih besar di permukaan perairan dibandingkan dengan di dasar perairan, tetapi tidak ada perbedaan nyata antara antara pertumbuhan di luar lokasi budidaya dengan di lokasi budidaya. Pertumbuhan jaringan lunak sendiri tidak ada korelasinya dengan suhu dan ketersediaan pakan di perairan.

Kata kunci: suhu, ketersediaan pakan, berat total jaringan lunak, kerang simping

A study of the growth of the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, under suspended culture conditions was carried out over a seven month period at a culture site in Graves Shoal, Mahone Bay,Nova Scotia – Canada.
Scallop spat were cultivated in pearl nets at a density of 30-35 per net set at four locations corresponding to the surface (7 m) and bottom (14 m) at the outer edge and the center of the site. Whole tissue weight was
measured at monthly intervals. Environmental conditions represented as temperature and food availability at the surface and bottom over the same period were also monitored. The result showed that the mean values of whole tissue weight at the surface sites were greater than that at the bottom sites, but there were not significantly different between the outside sites and the inside sites. Growth in whole tissue weight was not
to correlate to temperature - food availability.

Key words: temperature, food availability, whole tissue weight, sea scallop

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