1Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries, UNHAS, Indonesia
2Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 10 Tamalanrea 90245. Telp: 0411-587000, Fax: 0411-586025, HP: 081342526342, E-mail: tsaustrina@gmail.com, Indonesia
3Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB, Indonesia
4 Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS2281, author = {Khairul Amri and Dede Setiadi and Ibnul Qayim and D Djokosetianto}, title = {Nutrient Content of Seagrasss Enhalus acoroides Leaves in Barranglompo and Bonebatang Islands: Implication to Increased Antrhropogenic Pressure}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, year = {2012}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk di daerah pesisir, tekanan terhadap ekosistem pantai semakin meningkat pula. Untuk mengetahui dampak dari aktifitas anthropogenik terhadap status hara (karbon, nitrogen dan fosfor) pada lamun telah dilaksanakan penelitian pada dua pulau di Kepulauan Spermonde yakni Pulau Barranglompo dan Bonebatang. Kedua pulau ini mendapat tekanan anthropogenik berbeda. Sampel diambil dari daun lamun Enhalus acoroides pada tiga stasiun dengan jarak berbeda dari garis pantai pada masing-masing pulau. Hasil pengukuran hara menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi nitrogen di Pulau Barranglompo jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan Pulau Bonebatang. Nilai rasio C:N yang lebih rendah dan nilai rasio N:P yang lebih tinggi di Pulau Barranglompo memperkuat hal ini. Perbedaan ini mengindikasikan pengaruh dari pengayaan hara akibat aktifitas anthropogenik yang semakin meningkat. Hal ini didukung oleh nilai Total Padatan tersuspensi yang jauh lebih tinggi di Pulau Barranglompo dibandingkan Pulau Bonebatang. Aktifitas anthropogenik yang paling potensial mempengaruhi komposisi hara di Pulau Barranglompo adalah pembuangan sampah rumah tangga dan aliran limbah cair dari rumah penduduk di sekitar pantai. Kata kunc i: lamun, hara, rasio C:N:P, aktifitas anthropogenik, Barranglompo, Bonebatang As human population increase in coastal areas, significant pressure to the coastal ecosystem increase as well. In order to reveal possible impacts of anthropogenic activities to the nutrient status of seagrasses, a study has been done in two small islands within Spermonde Archipelago i.e. Barranglompo and Bonebatang Islands. Currently, these two islands are facing different anthropogenic pressure. Samples of seagrass Enhalus acoroides were collected from three stations based on their different distances from the shoreline. Results of the nutrient measurements showed that nitrogen concentrations in Barranglompo Island were significantly higher than those in Bonebatang Island. This was supported by lower C:N ratios and higher N:P ratios in Barranglompo Island. This difference indicated influence of nutrient enrichment due to increased anthropogenic activities. Significantly higher Total Suspended Solid (TSS) values were also a strong evidence of this process. Potential anthropogenic activities affecting nutrient composition in Barranglompo Island are domestic sewage disposal and drainage of liquid household sewage. Key words : seagrass, nutrient, C:N:P ratio, anthropogenic activities, Barranglompo, Bonebatang }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {181--186} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.16.4.181-186}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/2281} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk di daerah pesisir, tekanan terhadap ekosistem pantai semakin meningkat pula. Untuk mengetahui dampak dari aktifitas anthropogenik terhadap status hara (karbon, nitrogen dan fosfor) pada lamun telah dilaksanakan penelitian pada dua pulau di Kepulauan Spermonde yakni Pulau Barranglompo dan Bonebatang. Kedua pulau ini mendapat tekanan anthropogenik berbeda. Sampel diambil dari daun lamun Enhalus acoroides pada tiga stasiun dengan jarak berbeda dari garis pantai pada masing-masing pulau. Hasil pengukuran hara menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi nitrogen di Pulau Barranglompo jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan Pulau Bonebatang. Nilai rasio C:N yang lebih rendah dan nilai rasio N:P yang lebih tinggi di Pulau Barranglompo memperkuat hal ini. Perbedaan ini mengindikasikan pengaruh dari pengayaan hara akibat aktifitas anthropogenik yang semakin meningkat. Hal ini didukung oleh nilai Total Padatan tersuspensi yang jauh lebih tinggi di Pulau Barranglompo dibandingkan Pulau Bonebatang. Aktifitas anthropogenik yang paling potensial mempengaruhi komposisi hara di Pulau Barranglompo adalah pembuangan sampah rumah tangga dan aliran limbah cair dari rumah penduduk di sekitar pantai.
Kata kunci: lamun, hara, rasio C:N:P, aktifitas anthropogenik, Barranglompo, Bonebatang
As human population increase in coastal areas, significant pressure to the coastal ecosystem increase as well. In order to reveal possible impacts of anthropogenic activities to the nutrient status of seagrasses, a study has been done in two small islands within Spermonde Archipelago i.e. Barranglompo and Bonebatang Islands. Currently, these two islands are facing different anthropogenic pressure. Samples of seagrass Enhalus acoroides were collected from three stations based on their different distances from the shoreline. Results of the nutrient measurements showed that nitrogen concentrations in Barranglompo Island were significantly higher than those in Bonebatang Island. This was supported by lower C:N ratios and higher N:P ratios in Barranglompo Island. This difference indicated influence of nutrient enrichment due to increased anthropogenic activities. Significantly higher Total Suspended Solid (TSS) values were also a strong evidence of this process. Potential anthropogenic activities affecting nutrient composition in Barranglompo Island are domestic sewage disposal and drainage of liquid household sewage.
Key words: seagrass, nutrient, C:N:P ratio, anthropogenic activities, Barranglompo, Bonebatang
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Fruits of Enhalus acoroides as a source of nutrition for coastal communities
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