1Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia
2Jl. Pasir putih I No. 1 Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430 Telp./Fax. (021) 67413850/64711948,, Indonesia
3e-mail: susi005@lipi.go.id,, Indonesia
4 Jl. Pasir putih I No. 1 Ancol Timur, Jakarta 14430 Telp./Fax. (021) 67413850/64711948, Indonesia
5 Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS5133, author = {Susi Rahmawati and Fahmi Fahmi and Deny Yusup}, title = {Komunitas Padang Lamun dan Ikan Pantai di Perairan Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara (Seagrass and Coastal Fish Communities in Kendari Waters, South-East Sulawesi)}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, year = {2013}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Salah satu peran ekologis padang lamun adalah tempat pemeliharaan ikan yang ditunjang oleh struktur vegetasi lamun. Keberadaan lamun dapat memengaruhi kelimpahan ikan pada suatu perairan dangkal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kondisi lamun dan fungsi lamun sebagai area pemeliharaan ikan dalam menunjang kelimpahan ikan. Penelitian dilakukan di Perairan Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Stasiun penelitian ditentukan pada enam lokasi, yaitu tiga lokasi bervegetasi lamun dan tiga lokasi tanpa vegetasi lamun. Parameter penelitian antara lain struktur komunitas lamun dan kelimpahan ikan. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan one way ANOVA dan korelasi Person program Grahpad Prism 5.0 (Trial session). Penutupan lamun rata-rata berkisar antara 25 - 51% dan kerapatan berkisar 327,78 - 597,22 ind m-2.Struktur komunitas pada ketiga vegetasi lamun tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Ikan tercatat 73 jenis dan 1815 individu, antara lain ikan-ikan yang biasa ditemukan di ekosistem lamun seperti Apogon margaritophorus, Lutjanus gibbus, dan Achreichthys tomantosus . Jenis ikan yang paling melimpah adalah Siganus canaliculatus dengan rata-rata kelimpahan 0,378 ind m-2. Rata-rata kelimpahan ikan lebih besar pada stasiun bervegetasi dibandingkan stasiun yang tidak bervegetasi. Kerapatan lamun memiliki korelasi positif terhadap kelimpahan ikan (p<0,05). Kondisi lamun di Perairan Kendari tergolong cukup baik dan dapat menunjang kekayaan dan kelimpahan ikan pantai. Kata kunci : kerapatan lamun, peran ekologi, pemeliharaan ikan, Sulawesi One of ecological role of seagrass is as nursery area which hold by their own vegetation structure. Seagrass community can influence the abudance of fish in a shallow water. This study aimed to identify the seagrass bed condition as nursery area for supporting fish abudance. The study was conducted in Kendari Waters, South-East Sulawesi. Research station was set in six location .i.e. three location at seagrass vegetated and three location without seagrass. Parameter of the study was community structure of seagrass and abudance of fish. Data were analised statistically using one way ANOVA and Person correlation Grapad Prism 5.0 (Trial session). Mean of seagrass coverage was about 25 to 51% and density 327.78 to 597.22 ind m-2. There were no difference on community structure of seagrass at each location. There were 73 species of fish and 1815 individuals, there were fish that usually find in seagrass ecosystem for example Apogon margaritophorus, Lutjanus gibbus, and Achreichthys tomantosus . The most abundant species was Siganus canaliculatus (Siganidae) with mean abundance 0.378 ind m-2. Mean of fish abundance was higher in vegetated area than unvegetated. Seagrass density positively correlated with fish abundace (p<0.05). Seagrass community in Kendari Water showed a fairly good and good condition to support coastal fishes richness and abundance. Key words: seagrass density, ecologi role, nursery area, fish communities, Sulawesi }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {190--198} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.17.4.190-198}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/5133} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Salah satu peran ekologis padang lamun adalah tempat pemeliharaan ikan yang ditunjang oleh struktur vegetasi lamun. Keberadaan lamun dapat memengaruhi kelimpahan ikan pada suatu perairan dangkal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kondisi lamun dan fungsi lamun sebagai area pemeliharaan ikan dalam menunjang kelimpahan ikan. Penelitian dilakukan di Perairan Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara. Stasiun penelitian ditentukan pada enam lokasi, yaitu tiga lokasi bervegetasi lamun dan tiga lokasi tanpa vegetasi lamun. Parameter penelitian antara lain struktur komunitas lamun dan kelimpahan ikan. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan one way ANOVA dan korelasi Person program Grahpad Prism 5.0 (Trial session). Penutupan lamun rata-rata berkisar antara 25 - 51% dan kerapatan berkisar 327,78 - 597,22 ind m-2.Struktur komunitas pada ketiga vegetasi lamun tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Ikan tercatat 73 jenis dan 1815 individu, antara lain ikan-ikan yang biasa ditemukan di ekosistem lamun seperti Apogon margaritophorus, Lutjanus gibbus, dan Achreichthys tomantosus. Jenis ikan yang paling melimpah adalah Siganus canaliculatus dengan rata-rata kelimpahan 0,378 ind m-2. Rata-rata kelimpahan ikan lebih besar pada stasiun bervegetasi dibandingkan stasiun yang tidak bervegetasi. Kerapatan lamun memiliki korelasi positif terhadap kelimpahan ikan (p<0,05). Kondisi lamun di Perairan Kendari tergolong cukup baik dan dapat menunjang kekayaan dan kelimpahan ikan pantai.
Kata kunci: kerapatan lamun, peran ekologi, pemeliharaan ikan, Sulawesi
One of ecological role of seagrass is as nursery area which hold by their own vegetation structure. Seagrass community can influence the abudance of fish in a shallow water. This study aimed to identify the seagrass bed condition as nursery area for supporting fish abudance. The study was conducted in Kendari Waters, South-East Sulawesi. Research station was set in six location .i.e. three location at seagrass vegetated and three location without seagrass. Parameter of the study was community structure of seagrass and abudance of fish. Data were analised statistically using one way ANOVA and Person correlation Grapad Prism 5.0 (Trial session). Mean of seagrass coverage was about 25 to 51% and density 327.78 to 597.22 ind m-2. There were no difference on community structure of seagrass at each location. There were 73 species of fish and 1815 individuals, there were fish that usually find in seagrass ecosystem for example Apogon margaritophorus, Lutjanus gibbus, and Achreichthys tomantosus. The most abundant species was Siganus canaliculatus (Siganidae) with mean abundance 0.378 ind m-2. Mean of fish abundance was higher in vegetated area than unvegetated. Seagrass density positively correlated with fish abundace (p<0.05). Seagrass community in Kendari Water showed a fairly good and good condition to support coastal fishes richness and abundance.
Key words: seagrass density, ecologi role, nursery area, fish communities, Sulawesi
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