1Research Centre for Biotechnology, Indonesia Institute of Sciences , Indonesia
2Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46 Cibinong Bogor, 16911 Indonesia , Indonesia
3Email: dwisusilaningsih@yahoo.com.sg, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{IK.IJMS8517, author = {Dwi Susilaningsih}, title = {Observation, Isolation and Characterization of Microalgal Red Tide Agent Dinoflagellates Prorocentrum sp. (Pengamatan, Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Mikroalga Red Tide dari Dinoflagellata Prorocentrum sp)}, journal = {ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, year = {2014}, keywords = {}, abstract = { Spesies Dinophyte mempunyai habitat dari kutub, perairan tropis, tetapi semakin berlimpah di perairan tropis atau hangat. Dinophyte diduga sebagai penyebab terjadinya \"red tide\" sehingga nampak berwarna kuning kemerahan di laut ketikan malam hari disebabkan aktivitas bioluminescence.Penelitian ini menggunakan Dinophyte yang diisolasi dari pantai dan sampel air yang diperoleh dari di Prefektur Iwate, Jepang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui taksonomi yang menyebabkan blooming. Spesies ini memiliki karakter yang spesifik bernbentuk oval (panjang 20-30 μm dan lebar 1-20 μm), kloroplas berwarna kuning, nukleus yang besar, dua flagel yang berbeda, yang salah satunya disebut flagellum transfer, tidak memiliki selaput tengah yang, ornament sel yang indah \"theca\"dengan tulang belakang. Berdasarkan hasil squensing pada 18 S rDNA, Dinophyte mempunyai kesamaan dengan strain Prorocentrum MBIC11147 (100%), Di masa yang akan datang penelitian Procentrum sp. bisa menggunakan sebagai model squensing, perilaku pasang mikroalga. Kata kunci : a lga, Dinop hyt e, karakterisasi , isolation, Prorocentrum, red tide Dinophyte species inhabit from polar, temperate to tropical waters, but tend to be more abundant in tropical or warm waters. The Dinophytes is suspected as one of the genera causing red tide in the sea with their yellow-redish colour that make the sea glows in the night because of their bioluminescence activity. In this work, the Dinophyte was isolated from offshore, and water sample collected in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Purposes of the studies were for understanding the taxonomic features in particular of the dinophytes that usually occur in blooming areas. The species has specific characters, such as oval shape ( 20-30 μm long and 1-20 μm wide), yellow chloroplast, large nucleus, possesses two different flagellas which one of them is specific called transfer flagellum, no middle furrow and beautiful ornament cell covering (theca) with spine. Based on the partial sequencing of the 18 S rDNA, the Dinophyte is precisely same as the reference strain Prorocentrum MBIC11147 (100%), which was determined as Prorocentrum sp. In the future, this study could be uses as model of sequel behavior of the microalgal red tide. Keywords : algae, Dinophyte, characterization, isolation, Prorocentrum, red tide }, issn = {2406-7598}, pages = {149--158} doi = {10.14710/ik.ijms.19.3.149-158}, url = {https://ejournal.undip.ac.id/index.php/ijms/article/view/8517} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Spesies Dinophyte mempunyai habitat dari kutub, perairan tropis, tetapi semakin berlimpah di perairan tropis atau hangat. Dinophyte diduga sebagai penyebab terjadinya "red tide" sehingga nampak berwarna kuning kemerahan di laut ketikan malam hari disebabkan aktivitas bioluminescence.Penelitian ini menggunakan Dinophyte yang diisolasi dari pantai dan sampel air yang diperoleh dari di Prefektur Iwate, Jepang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui taksonomi yang menyebabkan blooming. Spesies ini memiliki karakter yang spesifik bernbentuk oval (panjang 20-30 μm dan lebar 1-20 μm), kloroplas berwarna kuning, nukleus yang besar, dua flagel yang berbeda, yang salah satunya disebut flagellum transfer, tidak memiliki selaput tengah yang, ornament sel yang indah "theca"dengan tulang belakang. Berdasarkan hasil squensing pada 18 S rDNA, Dinophyte mempunyai kesamaan dengan strain Prorocentrum MBIC11147 (100%), Di masa yang akan datang penelitian Procentrum sp. bisa menggunakan sebagai model squensing, perilaku pasang mikroalga.
Kata kunci: alga, Dinophyte, karakterisasi, isolation, Prorocentrum, red tide
Dinophyte species inhabit from polar, temperate to tropical waters, but tend to be more abundant in tropical or warm waters. The Dinophytes is suspected as one of the genera causing red tide in the sea with their yellow-redish colour that make the sea glows in the night because of their bioluminescence activity. In this work, the Dinophyte was isolated from offshore, and water sample collected in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. Purposes of the studies were for understanding the taxonomic features in particular of the dinophytes that usually occur in blooming areas. The species has specific characters, such as oval shape ( 20-30 μm long and 1-20 μm wide), yellow chloroplast, large nucleus, possesses two different flagellas which one of them is specific called transfer flagellum, no middle furrow and beautiful ornament cell covering (theca) with spine. Based on the partial sequencing of the 18 S rDNA, the Dinophyte is precisely same as the reference strain Prorocentrum MBIC11147 (100%), which was determined as Prorocentrum sp. In the future, this study could be uses as model of sequel behavior of the microalgal red tide.
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