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A Reliability Based Model for Wind Turbine Selection

1Division of Electrical Engg, School of Engg., Cochin University of Science and Technology, (CUSAT), Cochin, Kerala, India

2Dept. of Mechanical Engg, Model Engineering College, Cochin, Kerala, India

Published: 17 Jun 2013.
Editor(s): H. Hadiyanto

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A wind turbine generator output at a specific site depends on many factors, particularly cut- in, rated and cut-out wind speed parameters. Hence power output varies from turbine to turbine. The objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical relationship between reliability and wind power generation. The analytical computation of monthly wind power is obtained from weibull statistical model using cubic mean cube root of wind speed. Reliability calculation is based on failure probability analysis. There are many different types of wind turbines commercially available in the market. From reliability point of view, to get optimum reliability in power generation, it is desirable to select a wind turbine generator which is best suited for a site. The mathematical relationship developed in this paper can be used for site-matching turbine selection in reliability point of view.
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Keywords: reliability; weibull distribution; wind power; wind speed; wind turbine selection

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