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*Evinsa Injany  -  Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Atikah Kanza Atsarina Hakim  -  Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Nadia Farah Lutfiputri  -  Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Zaki Khudzaifi Mahmud  -  Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Isni Hindriaty Hindarto  -  Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Received: 6 Apr 2023; Published: 30 Jun 2024.
Open Access Copyright 2024 Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi under

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Research on sexual harassment has gotten a lot of attention in the last three decades, partly because the victims are not solemnly women and children, men also have a chance to become one. Sexual harassment might occur in any setting, anywhere, at any moment, including at higher education institutions. The aim of this study is to examine how males interpret the experience of sexual harassment by same-sex perpetrators. This study further explores the understanding of experiences, and responses of five male students who encountered sexual harassment in a higher education setting, using qualitative methodology, a phenomenological approach, and data collection techniques in the form of interviews. The results of data collection indicate that the acts of sexual harassment experienced by the informants can be divided into direct (physical contact) or indirect. Then there is a connection between how males perceive their sexual harassment experience and the concept of masculinity. Furthermore, victims of samesex sexual harassment's reactions and interpretations of sexual harassment are influenced by their own experiences and self-perceptions.

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Keywords: Male Victim; Male Sexual Harassment; Masculinity; Sexual Harassment; Same-Sex Sexual Harassment.

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