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*Rudi Hilmanto  -  Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
Published: 30 Sep 2012.

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Farmer often undergo of constraint in determining optimal price so that the farmer often undergo of loss, it is because the price of the commodity sold is less than the cost of production in the management of agroforestry systems. Determination Optimalization price of commodity agroforestry expected able to improve income of farmer agroforestry maximally. Objectives of this Research is to analyze the optimization of agrocommodity prices to increase farmers' income. This research used Rudihilmanto Pricing method. Result of this research points out proportion plants: coffee (98.30%), clove (0.45%), melinjo (0.23%), and petai (1.02%) in farmers' fields have optimal price ≥ real price so that this condition has risks and disadvantages for farmers now, but if the proportion is changed as coffee (31.77%), clove (28.79%), melinjo (19.06%), petai (20.37%), therefore optimal price is lower than the real price and it is possible to provide the maximum gain to the farmers of Rp.122,056,970.00 per annum in one hectare.

Petani sering mengalami kendala dalam menentukan harga optimal sehingga petani sering mengalami kerugian, hal ini karena harga komoditi yang dipasarkan lebih kecil daripada biaya produksi dalam pengelolaan sistem agroforestri. Penentuan optimalisasi harga pada komoditi agroforestri diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan petani pengelola agroforestri secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis optimalisasi harga komoditi agroforestri untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Harga Rudihilmanto.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi tanaman kopi (98,30%), cengkeh (0,45%), melinjo (0,23%), dan petai (1,02%) di lahan petani memiliki harga optimal ≥ harga riil sehingga kondisi ini memiliki risiko dan kerugian bagi petani, tetapi apabila proporsi diubah menjadi tanaman kopi (31,77%), cengkeh (28,79%), melinjo (19,06%), petai (20,37%) maka harga optimal ≤ harga riil dan dimungkinkan mampu memberikan keuntungan yang maksimal bagi petani sebesar Rp.122.056.970,00 tiap tahun dalam satu hektar.

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