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*Budhi Cahyono  -  Magister Manajemen UNDIP, Indonesia

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This research is designed to fest the assoslatlon between quality dimensions (customer satisfaction/ CS, employee satisfadion/ES, industry quality/IQ} and corporate performance/CP. The data were collected from manufacturing firms in Semarang, and grouped into two size, include big corporate and middle corporate. There are I 04 corporates were participating in this study. They are 57 big corporates and 47 middle corporates as sample. Based on literature review and theory, we make six hypotheses. The firs three hypotheses there are significant correlation between quality dimensions and corporate performance between quality dimensions and corporate performance for the middle corporates.
Alf item used in this research, we based on 7-poinf likert scale. The relationship between quality
dimensions and five items of corporate performance was investigated by correlation analysis. Discriminant analysis was conducted to differentiate the size of corporate. The measure instrument used for the three quality dimensions and corporate performance are show to b valid (except price/CS) and reliable. The result of correla- tion onalysb show that the big corporates tend have more widely a positif correlation between quaflty dlmentlons and cop orate performance than middle corporates. From the discriminant analysis, there are five independent variables (items) that have more discriminant power in the analysis, absenteeism (ES), consumer preference (IQ), turnover (ES), market place quality (IQ) and promotion (ES).

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Keywords: customer satisfaction, employee satlsfaction, industry quality and corporate performance

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Last update: 2024-07-17 09:11:27

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