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In Search of Stock Market Proxy to Calculate Systematic Risk (Beta) of Stocks in Indonesia Stock Exchange

*Mochammad Chabachib orcid  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright 2020 JURNAL BISNIS STRATEGI

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The calculation of beta stock in Indonesia is still debatable to this day. Though many researchers who have used sophisticated methods mathematically, the assumptions applied in developing the methods are impossible to happen in the real world, such as the ability of stock market return the day after (lead) affects the market return today. This study was conducted to assess the stock price index in Indonesia Stock Exchange that can be used as a proxy of stock market in Indonesia. The results of this study showed that there was a gap between beta stocks counted with JCI return as a market proxy with beta stocks counted with index returns of LQ-45, SRI-KEHATI, PEFINDO-25, BISNIS-27, IDX-30 and KOMPAS-100. This study has also found that the beta counted by using KOMPAS-100 return produced the smallest standard error of the estimate (SEE) that it was more applicable compared to the other stock index returns.

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Keywords: Beta; LQ-45; SRI-KEHATI; PEFINDO-25; BISNIS-27; IDX-30; KOMPAS-100
Funding: None

Article Metrics:

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