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*Hoedi Prasetyo  -  Program Studi Teknik Mekatronika, Politeknik ATMI Surakarta, Indonesia
Wahyudi Sutopo  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Istilah Industri 4.0 lahir dari ide tentang revolusi industri keempat. Keberadaannya menawarkan banyak potensi manfaat. Guna mewujudkan Industri 4.0, diperlukan keterlibatan akademisi dalam bentuk riset. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelaah aspek dan arah perkembangan riset terkait Industri 4.0. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah studi terhadap beragam definisi dan model kerangka Industri 4.0 serta pemetaan dan analisis terhadap sejumlah publikasi. Beberapa publikasi bertema Industri 4.0 dipilah menurut metode penelitian, aspek kajian dan bidang industri. Hasil studi menunjukkan Industri 4.0 memiliki empat belas aspek. Ditinjau dari metode penelitian, sebagian besar riset dilakukan melalui metode deskriptif dan konseptual. Ditinjau dari aspeknya, aspek bisnis dan teknologi menjadi fokus riset para peneliti. Ditinjau dari bidang industri penerapannya, sebagian besar riset dilakukan di bidang manufaktur. Ditinjau dari jumlahnya, riset terkait Industri 4.0 mengalami tren kenaikan yang signifikan. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat memberi gambaran mengenai apa itu Industri 4.0, perkembangan dan potensi riset yang ada di dalamnya.



Industry 4.0: Study of Aspects Classification and Future Research Direction. The term Industrial 4.0 refers to the idea about fourth industrial revolution. In order to realize Industry 4.0, academic involvement is required in the form of research. This article aims to define the aspects and future direction of research related to Industry 4.0. Literature review of various definition and concept models of Industry 4.0. was conducted to acquire the aspects. Mapping and analysis of several publications were conducted to determine the future direction of research. Publications were sorted according to research methods, aspects and type of industry. The result shows that Industry 4.0 has fourteen aspects. Based on research methods, most of the research is done through descriptive and conceptual methods. Business and technology aspects become the focus of the researchers and most of the research is done in manufacturing industry. Based on quantities, Industrial 4.0 research has experienced a significant upward trend. This article is expected to illustrate the concept, future development and research trend of Industry 4.0.

Keywords: Industry 4.0; Literature Review; Research Trend

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Keywords: Industri 4.0; Telaah Literatur; Tren Riset

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