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*Nataya Charoonsri Rizani  -  Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakti , Indonesia
Rico Bramandita  -  Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakti , Indonesia
Winnie Septiani  -  Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakti , Indonesia

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PT. Ganding Toolsindo,sebuah perusahaan  manufaktur yang bergerak di bidang industri otomotif, mengalami permasalahan ergonomi berdasarkan tanda-tanda umum terjadinya permasalahan ergonomi yaitu apparent trend in accidents and injuries, incidence of CTD (cumulative trauma disorder), absenteeism & high turnover rates, employee complaints, poor quality,dan  manual material handling. Permasalahan  yang menjadi focus untuk diselesaikan oleh perusahaan adalah CTD. Penelitian  pada dua stasiun kerja utama  yang bermasalah  yaitu mesin chinfong dan ada yang menggunakan tiga tools yaitu Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), Nordic Body Map dan pengukuran momen tubuh dengan software Mannequin Pro 7. Hasil dari ketiga tools ini menunjukkan perlu dilakukan intervensi ergonomi dengan pendekatan engineering control maupun administrative control. Intervensi dengan pendekatan engineering control dilakukan dengan meninggikan area kerja dan modifikasi bangku kerja, sedangkan pendekatan administrative control dilakukan dengan menerapkan rotasi kerja dan pemanasan tubuh sebelum bekerja. Hasil implementasi intervensi ergonomic menunjukkan adalanya penurunan pada skor RULA, persentasi keluhan tubuh dan penggunaan momen tubuh.

Kata Kunci: CTD, intervensi ergonomi, engineering control, administrative control



PT. Ganding Toolsindo, a manufacturing company engaged in the automotive industry, ergonomics problems experienced by general signs of ergonomics problems are apparent trend in accidents and injuries, incidence of CTD (cumulative trauma disorder), high absenteeism & turnover rates, employee complaints, poor quality, and manual material handling. The problems to be resolved by the company's focus for the CTD. Research on the two main work stations that are problematic and aida chinfong machine uses three tools namely Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (Rula), Nordic Body Map and measurement of body moments with Mannequin Pro 7 software. The results of all three tools show ergonomics intervention needs to be done with engineering controls and administrative approach control. Intervention by engineering control approach conducted by elevating the work area and modification work benches, while the administrative approach to control is done by implementing job rotation and heating of the body before work. The results of the implementation of ergonomic interventions showed a decrease in scores adalanya Rula, percentage of body complaints and use of body moments.

Keyword: CTD, ergonomic intervention, engineering controls, administrative controls
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Last update: 2024-09-20 03:11:08

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