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*Yeni Rohaeni  -  Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
Ahmad Hidayat Sutawijaya  -  Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia

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Indonesia dengan mayoritas penduduk muslim terbesar memiliki potensi dalam pengembangan industri halal. Perkembangan industri halal harus ditunjang dengan pengembangan rantai pasok yang tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian konseptual yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model rantai pasok halal di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah telaah pustaka dan wawancara narasumber ahli. Model konseptual yang dikembangkan dalam artikel ini berfokus pada aspek peran pemangku kepentingan dalam implentasi rantai pasok halal. Pemangku kepentiangan yang sangat berperan adalah: (1) pelaku usaha/ industri halal, (2) pemerintah, (3) Perguruan Tinggi/ Lembaga Riset, (4) pelaku usaha infrastruktur penunjang rantai pasok halal, dan (5) masyarakat.



[Development of Conceptual Model Halal Supply Chain Management Case Study Indonesia] Indonesia with the majority muslim population has the potential to develop the halal industry. The development of halal industry mus be supported by development of the right supply chain. This research is a conceptual research that aims to develop the concept of halal supply chain model that is adapted to conditions Indonesia. The research method is literatur review and expert interview. The conceptual model developed in this article focuses on aspects of the role of stakeholders in the implementation of halal supply chains. Stakeholders who play a very important role are: (1) halal business/ industry, (2) government, (3) Higher Educatio/ Research Institutions, (4) business actors supporting halal supply chain infrastructure, and (5) community.

Keywords: supply chain management; halal; model halal supply chain management; halal supply chain management

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Keywords: manajemen rantai pasok; halal; model manajemen rantai pasok halal; manajemen rantai pasok halal
Funding: Yuny Erwanto, PhD, Ketua Institute for Halal Industry & System, UGM Yogyakarta

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Last update: 2025-03-31 02:33:17

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