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*Bramantiyo Eko Putro scopus  -  Universitas Suryakancana, Indonesia
Tatan Saepurohman  -  Universitas Suryakancana, Indonesia

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Pabrik Tiga Bersaudara merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri makanan dengan produk  berupa kikil sapi. Persaingan bisnis setiap tahunnya semakin kompetitif, berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik menunjukkan bahwa persaingan bisnis pada komoditas daging sapi di Cianjur mengalami peningkatan. Persaingan tersebut memaksa perusahaan mencari berbagai alternatif untuk unggul. Peningkatan kualitas merupakan salah satu solusi agar dapat bersaing. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang decision rule untuk produksi kulit kikil sapi di pabrik Tiga Bersaudara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara, diperoleh 110 data proses produksi. Data diolah dengan metode decision tree menggunakan RapidMiner dan dilakukan perancangan decision rule. Berdasarkan analisis perancangan decision rule variabel yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam mementukan kualitas kulit kikil sapi adalah temperatur air pemasakan, lama pemesanan, volume perendaman air 2 dan 3. Aturan keputusan yang terbentuk adalah jika temperatur pemasakan ≤ 95.75° C maka kita harus melihat data lamanya pemesanan bahan baku. Jika waktu pemesanan bahan baku ≤ 18,5 hari, hasilnya akan bagus. Anteseden ini memiliki konsekuensi terbaik yang menghasilkan prediksi benar 48,1% dengan tingkat kemurnian prediksi 100%.



[Decision Rule Design On Beef Knuckle Production Using Decision tree Method In Tiga Bersaudara Factory] Tiga Bersaudara Factory is a company engaged in the food industry with beef knuckles product. Business competition is getting more competitive every year, based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, it shows that business competition for beef in Cianjur has increased. This competition forces companies to look for various alternatives to excel. Quality improvement is one solution in order to compete. This study aims to design a decision rule for the production of beef knuckles hides in the Tiga Bersaudara factory. Data collection was carried out by means of observation and interviews, obtained 110 production process data. The data is processed using a decision tree method using Rapid Miner and a decision rule is designed. Based on the analysis of the decision rule design, the variables that need to be considered in determining the quality of cow gravel hull are cooking water temperature, ordering time, water immersion volume 2 and 3.The decision rule that is formed is if the cooking temperature is ≤ 95.75 ° C then we must look at the data on the length of ordering the material. If the ordering time for raw materials is ≤ 18.5 days, the result will be good. This antecedent had the best consequence resulting in a true prediction of 48.1% with a predictive purity level of 100%.

Keywords: Decision tree; Decision Rule; Quality; Beef Knuckle

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Keywords: Decision Tree; Decision Rule; Kualitas; Kikil Sapi

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Last update: 2025-03-14 06:02:43

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