BibTex Citation Data :
@article{J@TI61613, author = {Clara Theresia and Febbyuli Arrissa and Thedy Yogasara}, title = {PERANCANGAN ALAT BANTU PEMANENAN ERGONOMIS UNTUK MENGURANGI RISIKO MSDS BAGI PETANI SAYUR DI KABUPATEN BANDUNG BARAT}, journal = {J@ti Undip: Jurnal Teknik Industri}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Ergonomi; Kuesioner Gotrak; MSDs; Petani; UCD}, abstract = { Aktivitas pertanian di Indonesia sebagian besar masih dikerjakan tanpa alat bantu, sehingga memperlambat produktivitas serta memicu risiko musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang alat bantu pemanenan sayuran bagi petani di daerah Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Penelitian diawali dengan identifikasi keluhan tubuh melalui Survei Keluhan Otot dari Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) dan Kuesioner Gangguan Otot Rangka (GOTRAK) dari Badan Standardisasi Nasional. Perancangan produk dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis pengguna atau User Centered Design (UCD) dengan identifikasi kebutuhan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Kemudian, dilakukan pengembangan alternatif konsep rancangan melalui design workshop dan pemilihan konsep terbaik melalui concept scoring yang difinalisasikan melalui SCAMPER. Rancangan final diwujudkan menjadi prototipe fisik dan dievaluasi melalui usability testing. Aktivitas yang diamati adalah pemanenan sayur selada dengan skor keluhan sebesar 14 (berbahaya). Tahapan penelitian dimulai dengan melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan yang menghasilkan 9 pernyataan kebutuhan. Kemudian, dilakukan design workshop berdasarkan daftar kebutuhan yang menghasilkan 3 alternatif konsep. Terpilih 1 konsep dengan skor 3,838 dan difinalisasikan menjadi 2 produk, yaitu alat untuk memanen selada dan wadah untuk mengeringkannya. Prototipe alat panen selada diuji coba pada petani secara langsung dan diperoleh skor GOTRAK menjadi 2 (kategori aman) dengan skor rata-rata efektivitas sebesar 92,86%. Dengan demikian, rancangan alat bantu telah dinilai baik karena sudah mampu mengurangi keluhan MSDs petani dari nilai kategori berbahaya menjadi. Abstract [Design of Ergonomic Harvesting Tools To Reduce MSDs Risk For Vegetable Farmers In West Bandung District] Agricultural activities in Indonesia are still done without assistive tools, causing slower productivity and triggering the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study aims to design assistive tools for one of the agricultural sectors, that’s vegetable farmers in Bandung Barat Regency. The study began with identification of body complaints using Muscle Disorders Survey from the Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) and the Skeletal Muscle Disorder Questionnaire (GOTRAK) from the Badan Standardisasi Nasional. The design process used User Centered Design (UCD) while needs identification used interviews and observations. Then, the development of alternative concepts was gained through design workshops. From this, the best concepts are selected through concept scoring and finalized through SCAMPER. The final design is implemented into a physical prototype and evaluated through usability testing. The activity observed was lettuce harvesting with a complaint score of 14 (dangerous). The research stage began with identifying needs which resulted in 9 needs statements. Then, a design workshop was conducted based on the list of needs that resulted in 3 alternative concepts. One concept was selected with a score of 3,838 and finalized into 2 products, the first harvesting tool to pull out lettuce and a container to dry it. The prototype was tested directly on farmers, the GOTRAK survey results obtained a score of 2 (safe category) with an average product effectiveness score of 92.86%. In conclusion, the tool design is considered good because it could reduce MSDs complaints from the dangerous category to safe.. Keywords : Ergonomics; Gotrak Questionnaire; Farmers; MSDs; UCD }, issn = {2502-1516}, pages = {74--87} doi = {10.14710/jati.19.2.74-87}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Aktivitas pertanian di Indonesia sebagian besar masih dikerjakan tanpa alat bantu, sehingga memperlambat produktivitas serta memicu risiko musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang alat bantu pemanenan sayuran bagi petani di daerah Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Penelitian diawali dengan identifikasi keluhan tubuh melalui Survei Keluhan Otot dari Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) dan Kuesioner Gangguan Otot Rangka (GOTRAK) dari Badan Standardisasi Nasional. Perancangan produk dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis pengguna atau User Centered Design (UCD) dengan identifikasi kebutuhan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Kemudian, dilakukan pengembangan alternatif konsep rancangan melalui design workshop dan pemilihan konsep terbaik melalui concept scoring yang difinalisasikan melalui SCAMPER. Rancangan final diwujudkan menjadi prototipe fisik dan dievaluasi melalui usability testing. Aktivitas yang diamati adalah pemanenan sayur selada dengan skor keluhan sebesar 14 (berbahaya). Tahapan penelitian dimulai dengan melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan yang menghasilkan 9 pernyataan kebutuhan. Kemudian, dilakukan design workshop berdasarkan daftar kebutuhan yang menghasilkan 3 alternatif konsep. Terpilih 1 konsep dengan skor 3,838 dan difinalisasikan menjadi 2 produk, yaitu alat untuk memanen selada dan wadah untuk mengeringkannya. Prototipe alat panen selada diuji coba pada petani secara langsung dan diperoleh skor GOTRAK menjadi 2 (kategori aman) dengan skor rata-rata efektivitas sebesar 92,86%. Dengan demikian, rancangan alat bantu telah dinilai baik karena sudah mampu mengurangi keluhan MSDs petani dari nilai kategori berbahaya menjadi.
[Design of Ergonomic Harvesting Tools To Reduce MSDs Risk For Vegetable Farmers In West Bandung District] Agricultural activities in Indonesia are still done without assistive tools, causing slower productivity and triggering the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study aims to design assistive tools for one of the agricultural sectors, that’s vegetable farmers in Bandung Barat Regency. The study began with identification of body complaints using Muscle Disorders Survey from the Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI) and the Skeletal Muscle Disorder Questionnaire (GOTRAK) from the Badan Standardisasi Nasional. The design process used User Centered Design (UCD) while needs identification used interviews and observations. Then, the development of alternative concepts was gained through design workshops. From this, the best concepts are selected through concept scoring and finalized through SCAMPER. The final design is implemented into a physical prototype and evaluated through usability testing. The activity observed was lettuce harvesting with a complaint score of 14 (dangerous). The research stage began with identifying needs which resulted in 9 needs statements. Then, a design workshop was conducted based on the list of needs that resulted in 3 alternative concepts. One concept was selected with a score of 3,838 and finalized into 2 products, the first harvesting tool to pull out lettuce and a container to dry it. The prototype was tested directly on farmers, the GOTRAK survey results obtained a score of 2 (safe category) with an average product effectiveness score of 92.86%. In conclusion, the tool design is considered good because it could reduce MSDs complaints from the dangerous category to safe..
Keywords: Ergonomics; Gotrak Questionnaire; Farmers; MSDs; UCD
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