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*Gumarus Satriawisti  -  Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia
Gumarus Satriawisti  -  Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia
Joniarto Parung  -  Universitas Surabaya, Indonesia

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Dewasa ini industri kelapa sawit berperan besar memenuhi permintaan pasar global minyak nabati. Meningkatnya permintaan pasar global disertai dengan bertambahnya populasi dunia berdampak pada meningkatnya produktivitas minyak kelapa sawit dan menambah pendapatan bisnis. Namun demikian, peningkatan produktivitas tanpa memperhatikan kondisi di luar perusahaan menimbulkan kekhawatiran terhadap keberlanjutan. Kesadaran akan pembangunan berkelanjutan semakin menguat, sehingga perusahaan akan memperhatikan tiga aspek, yaitu ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan secara berimbang. Untuk dapat mengusahakannya, tulisan ini melakukan “review” terhadap artikel-artikel yang relevan dengan menggunakan kata kunci pencarian, “Sustainable Palm Oil Industry” di “Publish of Perish (POP)” dan memilih artikel terindeks Google Scholar atau Scopus atau Crossref yang terbit tahun 2019-2023. Setelah dilakukan sortir dengan ketentuan artikel disitasi minimal 20 kali, “full” teks, dan pembahasan sesuai dengan kata kunci pencarian, maka diperoleh 17 artikel relevan. Berdasarkan “review” terhadap 17 artikel diketahui usaha pembangunan berkelanjutan di industri kelapa sawit memerlukan terutama kesadaran perusahaan tentang pentingnya keberlanjutan. Kesadaran ini harus diwujudnyatakan dalam praktik dan perlu adanya komitmen serta konsistensi perusahaan untuk mengusahakannya. Aspek intervensi hukum negara juga memainkan peran penting dalam membantu perusahaan agar memiliki kesadaran akan keberlanjutan dan mewajibkan perusahaan melaksanakannya.


[Sustainability of The Palm Oil Industry: Literature Review] Nowadays, the palm oil industry has a major role to fulfill the global market demand of vegetable oil. The increasing global market demand which is coupled with the rising world population impacted the increasing productivity of palm oil and business profit. However, increasing productivity without considering conditions outside the company raises concerns of sustainability. Concerns of sustainability development is increasing, so companies should pay attention to the three aspects in a balanced manner, they are economic, social and environmental. In order to attain it, this paper conducted a review of relevant articles using the search keyword, “Sustainable Palm Oil Industry” in “Publish of Perish (POP)” and selecting Google Scholar or Scopus or Crossref indexed articles which were published in 2019-2023. After sorting with the provisions of articles cited at least 20 times, full text, and the discussion in accordance with search keywords, 17 relevant articles were obtained. Based on the review of 17 articles, it is known that to implement sustainable development in the palm oil industry requires the company awareness about the importance of sustainability. The awareness must be realised in the practice and there is needed a company’s commitment and consistency on working towards it. The legal intervention aspect of the state also plays an important role in helping companies to realise the important of sustainability and obliging companies to implement it.

Keywords: economic; environment; social; sustainability; sustainable development

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Keywords: ekonomi; keberlanjutan; lingkungan; pembangunan berkelanjutan; sosial

Article Metrics:

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