BibTex Citation Data :
@article{JMKI10318, author = {Adriana Egam and Martha Kartasurya and Ayun Sriatmi}, title = {Evaluation on the Implementation of Mobile Clinic Program in Maternal Health Service in Sorong City of West Papua Province}, journal = {Jurnal Manajemen Kesehatan Indonesia}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Evaluation; Mobile Clinic; Maternal Health; Planning; Organizing}, abstract = {Kementerian Kesehatan melaksanakan program Mobile Clinic, untuk lebih mendekatkan akses pelayanan kesehatan pada masyarakat di Tanah Papua. Target cakupan mobile clinic masih belum tercapai, walaupun biaya yang dikeluarkan sangat besar. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan program mobile clinic dalam pelayanan kesehatan ibu di Kota Sorong Propinsi Papua Barat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, Informan utama adalah seluruh tim mobile clinic Kota Sorong. Informan triangulasi adalah kader mobile clinic dan pengelola program mobile clinic. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui indepth interview dan focus group discussion. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan metode analsis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan sudah dilakukan oleh semua tim mobile clinic. Ada kendala keterbatasan tenaga pada 2 puskesmas sehingga perlu penunjukan tenaga pelaksana dari unit kerja lain. Pengorganisasian dengan pemberdayaan kader sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Pada penggerakkan dan pelaksanaan terdapat dua kebijakan yang tidak sesuai Juknis yakni penambahan tenaga dan pergantian personil TMC (Tim Mobile Clinic). Penambahan tenaga meningkatkan pencapaian cakupan dan penambahan jenis pelayanan yaitu ANC terpadu. Pergantian personil TMC pada tenaga yang tidak dilatih berdampak tidak tercapainya target cakupan. Kerjasama tim, lintas program dan lintas sektoral terjalin baik.Pelaporan tidak lengkap dan supervise yang dilakukan tidak memberikan masukan. Sulitnya jangkauan dan besarnya biaya transportasi tidak menghambat pelayanan karena didukung alokasi dana yang memadai. Direkomendasikan agar program dilakukan kembali dengan perbaikan petunjuk teknis dan biaya yang disesuaikan dengan Perda Ministry of Health implemented mobile clinic program to bring health service access closer to the community in Papua land. Target coverage of mobile clinic program was not attained, although the cost spent was very high. Objective of the study was to evaluate the implementation of mobile clinic program in maternal health service in Sorong city of West Papua province. This was a descriptive-qualitative study. Main informants were all team of mobile clinic of Sorong city. Triangulation informants were mobile clinic cadres and mobile clinic managers. Content analysis was applied in the data management. Results of the study showed that planning had been done by all mobile clinic teams. There were limited staffs in two primary healthcare centers(puskesmas), and this situation allowed choosing executor workers from other work units. Organizational activities with empowerment of cadres had been done properly. There were two policies that did not agree with technical guidelines in the actuating and implementing of the program namely addition of staffs and changing of mobile clinic team (TMC) personnel. Addition of the staffs increased coverage and added type of service. The added type of service was an integrated antenatal care (ANC). The change of TMC personnel with untrained personnel caused a fail to attain the target coverage. Collaboration among teams, cross programs and sectors had been performed well. Reporting was not good, and supervision done did not provide inputs. Difficulty in reaching location and expensive transportation costs did not hamper services due to sufficient funding allocation support. Reimplementation of the program with technical guidance improvement and budget aligned with Perda is recommended. }, issn = {2548-7213}, pages = {59--69} doi = {10.14710/jmki.1.2.2013.%p}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Ministry of Health implemented mobile clinic program to bring health service access closer to the community in Papua land. Target coverage of mobile clinic program was not attained, although the cost spent was very high. Objective of the study was to evaluate the implementation of mobile clinic program in maternal health service in Sorong city of West Papua province. This was a descriptive-qualitative study. Main informants were all team of mobile clinic of Sorong city. Triangulation informants were mobile clinic cadres and mobile clinic managers. Content analysis was applied in the data management. Results of the study showed that planning had been done by all mobile clinic teams. There were limited staffs in two primary healthcarecenters(puskesmas), and this situation allowed choosing executor workers from other work units. Organizational activities with empowerment of cadres had been done properly. There were two policies that did not agree with technical guidelines in the actuating and implementing of the program namely addition of staffs and changing of mobile clinic team (TMC) personnel.
Addition of the staffs increased coverage and added type of service. The added type of service was an integrated antenatal care (ANC). The change of TMC personnel with untrained personnel caused a fail to attain the target coverage. Collaboration among teams, cross programs and sectors had been performed well. Reporting was not good, and supervision done did not provide inputs. Difficulty in reaching location and expensive transportation costs did not hamper services due to sufficient funding allocation support. Reimplementation of the program with technical guidance improvement and budget aligned with Perda is recommended.
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Last update: 2025-03-10 18:50:47
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