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Klasifikasi Citra Histopatologi Kanker Payudara menggunakan Data Resampling Random dan Residual Network

*Wahyudi Setiawan  -  Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2021 JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis)

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Data imbalance between classes is one of the problems on image classification. The data in each class is not equal and has a relatively large difference generated in less than optimal classification results. Ideally, the data in each class is equal or have a slight difference. This article discusses the classification of the histopathology breast cancer image. The data consist of  8 classes with unbalanced data. The method for balancing the data in each class uses random resampling which is applied to training data only. The data used from BreakHist with magnifications of 40x, 100x, 200x, and 400x . The classification uses Residual Network (ResNet) 18 and 50. The best results are obtained on images with a magnification of 400x. Classification results using ResNet18 has an average accuracy of 79.82%, an average precision of 71.39%, and an average recall of 82.37%. Meanwhile using ResNet50 showed an average accuracy of 81.67%, average precision of 78.41%, and an average recall of 82.91%.

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Keywords: Histopathology; Breast Cancer; Random Resampling Data; Residual Network; Image Classification

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