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Keunikan Rumah Tradisional Jepang Minka

*Budi Mulyadi  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 KIRYOKU under

Citation Format:

(Title: The uniqueness of Japanese traditional house minka). The main goal of this research is to know everything about the Japanese traditional house minka and it's uniqueness. This research is a combination of library research and field research. The step method used in this research is observation, classification, analysis, interpretation and description. From the result of this paper, in general, can be described that the Japanese traditional house minka has a long story of development and has a uniqueness which describes the Japanese culture which is concentrated with natural and religious elements.

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Keywords: minka; uniquenese; traditional; house

Article Metrics:

  1. Anonim. (2008). Metode dan Teknik
  2. Tradisional dalam Arsitektur Jepang
  3. Antariksa
  4. Anonim, Sejarah Arsitektur Jepang, Tim
  5. Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur
  6. Anonim. (1998). The Kodansha Bilingual
  7. Encyclopedia of Japan, Tokyo:
  8. Kodansha Internasional
  9. Pratiwi, Aulia Rachma. Perbandingan
  10. Rumah Tradisional Minka di Jepang
  11. dan Rumah Tradisional Gapura Candi
  12. Bali. (2016). Universitas Diponegoro
  13. Takeshi. Nakagawa. (2005). The Japanese
  14. house. Japan: The Internasional
  15. House of Japan,Inc
  16. pan diunduh pada tanggal 7 Desember 2019
  18. diunduh pada tanggal 1 Desember 2019

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Last update: 2025-03-03 15:12:19

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