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*Yenni Kurniawati orcid scopus  -  Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Anang Kurnia  -  Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
Kusman Sadik  -  Department of Statistics, IPB University, Indonesia
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The proportional odds model (POM) and the non-proportional odds model (NPOM) are very useful in ordinal modeling. However, the proportional odds assumption is often violated in practice. In this paper, the non-proportional odds model is chosen as an alternative model when the proportional odds assumption is not violated. This paper aims to compare Proportional Odds Model (POM) and Non-Proportional Odds Model (NPOM) in cases of birth size in Indonesia based on the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) data. The results showed that in the POM there was a violation of the proportional odds assumption, so the alternative NPOM model was used. NPOM had better use than POM. The goodness of fit shows that the deviance test failed to reject H0, and the value of Mac Fadden R2 is higher than POM. The risk factors that have a significant influence on all categories of birth size are the residence and gender of the child.
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Keywords: Proportional Odds Model (POM); Non-Proportional Odds Model (NPOM); birth size; Likelihood Ratio test; Goodness of fit

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