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*Rizky Merdietio Boedi orcid scopus  -  Department of Dentistry, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Rosalina Intan Saputri orcid  -  Faculty of Dentistry, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
Open Access Copyright (c) 2022 MEDIA STATISTIKA under

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Dental age estimation is a branch of forensic odontology that plays a pivotal role in identifying, examining, or determining the legal status of the living and the dead. This research explores the capability of support vector regression to estimate chronological age from the third molar maturity index (I3M) in Indonesian Juveniles and compares the linear and kernel performance. Two hundred and twenty-two orthopantomo-graphy were measured using I3M in the lower left third molar and processed using R Studio with Caret extension. The analysis was separated into two groups, group 1 using only I3M as a predictor, and group 2 using both I3M and sex. Both groups were analyzed using SVR with the linear and polynomial kernel. The result suggests that using polynomial kernel SVR in group 1 produces the best results, with an R2 value of 0.64, RMSE of 1.588 years, and MAE of 1.25 years using degree = 3, c = 0.25. However, the addition of a sex predictor in the model reduces its accuracy when using the polynomial kernel.

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Keywords: Forensic Dentistry; Dental Age Estimation;Third Molar; Third Molar Maturity Index; Support Vector Regression,;Polynomial Kernel

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