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The number of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) incidence in Pekalongan from year to year is very volatile. In 2006, there was 352 cases, 718 cases occurred in 2007, 2008 saw 403 cases, 2009 there were 753 cases, whereas in 2010 a decline to 223 cases. This is possible due to the lack of information about the place, time and location of the incident spread of dengue in Pekalongan. Various efforts have been made to address these issues both society and government but the incidence of this disease has not been effectively suppressed. The results of data analysis showed that the incidence of dengue in Pekalongan mostly occurs during the rainy season is the period from January to June. The DHF incidence tends to be higher in Kedungwuni. Highest incidence of DHF occurred in April 2010. In addition, there are some months that indicate the spatial relationships in the incidence of dengue in Pekalongan, ie January, February, July, October and December. The sub-district that has a positive autocorrelation is  Kedungwuni, Wonopringgo, and Tirto. While the sub-district has a negative autocorrelation is Karangdadap. Most of the sub-districts in Pekalongan status is still endemic for dengue.


Keywords: DHF, Moran’s Index, Spatial Pattern

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