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*Tintrim Dwi Ary Widhianingsih orcid  -  Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Heri Kuswanto  -  Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Dedy Dwi Prastyo  -  Department of Statistics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
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Dramatic computation growth encourages big data era, which induces data size escalation in various fields. Apart from huge sample size, cases arise high-dimensional data having more feature size than its samples. High-computing power compels the usage of modern approaches to deal with this typical dataset, while in practice, common logistic regression method is yet applied due to its simplicity and explainability. Applying logistic regression on high-dimensional data arises multicollinearity, overfitting, and computational complexity issues. Logistic Regression Ensemble (Lorens) and Ensemble Logistic Regression (ELR) are the logistic-regression-based alternative methods proposed to solve these problems. Lorens adopts ensemble concept with mutually exclusive feature partitions to form several subsets of data, while ELR involves feature selection in the algorithm by drawing part of features based on probability ranking value. This paper uncovers the effectiveness of Lorens and ELR applied to high-dimensional data classification through simulation study under three different scenarios, i.e., with feature size variation, for imbalanced high-dimensional data, and under multicollinearity conditions. Our simulation study reveals that ELR outperforms Lorens and obtains more stable performance over different feature sizes and imbalanced data settings. On the other hand, Lorens achieves more reliable performance than ELR on a simulation study with a multicollinearity issue.
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Keywords: Affordable Medicin; Classification; ELR; High-Dimensional Data; Lorens

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