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Current Information: NMJN is now in First Grade Sinta (Sinta 1)

Dear colleagues and researchers,

It is with pleasure to inform you that the Nurse Media Journal of Nursing (NMJN) has received its latest accreditation from the Ministry of Research and Technology/ National Research and Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia with First Grade (Sinta 1).  

This new accreditation is based on the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology/ National Research and Innovation Agency Number 148/M/KPT/2020 dated on 3 August 2020. The accreditation will be valid for five years since the date the decree is issued.

We would like to thank all people (the NMJN editorial team, reviewers, authors) who have given their support and contribution in achieving this accreditation.

Thank you very much.

Meira Erawati
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing