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Current Information: The latest issue (Vol 11 No. 3, December 2021) is published

Dear colleagues and researchers, 

It is with pleasure to inform that Nurse Media Journal of Nursing (e-ISSN: 2406-8799, p-ISSN: 2087-7811) has published its latest issue, Volume 11 No. 3, December 2021.

This issue has been available online since 27 December 2021. The articles in this issue include original research articles (10) and systematic reviews (2), involving 52 authors from 8 countries of origin (Indonesia, South Africa, Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Iran, Malaysia, and Australia).

Please find the Table of Contents of the journal issue through the following link:

We would like to thank all editors, reviewers and authors for their enormous contributions to the journal. We also thank all readers and subscribers for their continued supports.

Nurse Media Journal of Nursing