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Perbedaan Nilai Kesegaran Punggung Sebelum dan Sesudah Pemberian Stretching Mc. Kenzie Extension pada PekerjaWanita Pengepak Jamu PT. X Semarang

1Alumnus FKM UNDIP, Indonesia

2Staf Pengajar Bagian Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja FKM UNDIP, Indonesia

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Every work has the potential on giving risk to health; one of them is caused by unnatural working
position. As an example, for work that require their worker to do the work in sitting position potentially
give a health risk such as complaint on musculoskeletal. Sitting work position that being done by the
herbal medicine packager at PT.X Semarang for 8 working hours allows the occurrence of the unnatural
gesture. From short interview to 6 workers, there were 5 of them that complaint about the feeling of less
comfortable/stiff on area around back and neck after work. Some studies said that by giving stretching
movement can reduce this muscular complaint. Stretching Mc.Kenzie Extension is one of stretching
method that intended to strengthen the back. Back fitness value will show how well the back of a worker
to work on a sitting position is. The goal of this study is to know the difference between back fitness value
before and after treatment of Stretching Mc.Kenzie Extension to PT.X Semarang herbal medicine
packager workwoman.
This research is Quasi Experiment using One Group Time Series Design with amount of sample is 10
peoples. The result tested with statistical paired T-test (α = 0,05) preceded with data normality test using
Saphiro Wilk test.
The result showed tahat there was a difference between back fitness value before and after treatment of
Stretching Mc.Kenzie Extension. Therefore, it is advised for the company to give knowledge to worker
about sitting position that meet ergonomic norm. Furthermore by doing design improvement on work
facilities such as work table and chair.
Keywords: back fitness value, stretching Mc.Kenzie


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Last update: 2025-03-12 05:59:27

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