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Analisis Potensi Bahaya dan Upaya Pengendalian Risiko Bahaya Pada Pekerja Pemecah Batu

Staf Pengajar Bagian K3 Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UNDIP, Indonesia

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Risk Assessment is an activity that analyze a risk by determining the likelihood/ probability and severity of
consequence / Consequences of a risk. This study is aimed to describe and assess the risk level in terms of
worker characteristics, equipment, materials, work processes and working environment of stone breakers
workers and making recommendations on hazard control efforts of workers.
This was a descriptive qualitative research by conducting interviews on the workers and make observations on
the environment and work processes, and measuring the work environment. The study population was all
workers in the village of stone breaker Rowosari, Tembalang, Semarang with a sample of 41 people taken by
simple random sampling. Qualitative data analysis with content analysis using the form Hazard Identification
and Risk Assessment (HIRA).
Results from this study is the level of risk of accidents at stone-breaking workers of each variable: the
characteristics of workers with medium category, such as basket work tools, hammers, ganco and chairs with the
medium category, with categories of stone material from the medium, such as the work process collecting,
splitting, collecting and collating the stone with the medium category, and work environment with the medium
category. Workers are expected to wear the working tools such as carts and wearing personal protective
equipment such as masks and gloves in order to reduce the risk of hazards during work.
Keywords: risk assessment , stone breaking employees. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)


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Last update: 2025-03-05 23:03:06

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