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Keabsahan Layanan Telemedisin terkait Surat Keterangan Sakit Online dalam Persepsi dan Ekspektasi Pengguna

Public Health Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Professor Soedarto, Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java, 50275, Indonesia, Indonesia

Received: 29 Aug 2023; Revised: 28 Oct 2023; Accepted: 4 Nov 2023; Published: 1 Dec 2023.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2023 MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA under

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Latar Belakang: Surat keterangan sakit merupakan surat keterangan yang diberikan dokter untuk pasien yang dinyatakan sakit oleh dokter setelah melalui pemeriksaan kesehatan. Berdasarkan Pasal 93 ayat (2) huruf a Undang-Undang Nomor 13 tahun 2003 mengenai Ketenagakerjaan, surat keterangan sakit dapat digunakan oleh pekerja sebagai dasar melakukan izin ke tempat kerja ketika sakit dan tetap dapat memperoleh upah. Adanya layanan kesehatan jarak jauh melalui telemedisin memunculkan berbagai isu etik dan hukum salah satunya terkait pemberian surat keterangan sakit secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dan harapan pengguna telemedisin terkait surat keterangan sakit yang diterbitkan secara online melalui layanan telemedisin.

Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif  dengan pengambilan data melalui survey online yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2023 pada 100 orang responden.

Hasil: Sebanyak 11 responden (11%) menyebutkan pernah memperoleh surat keterangan sakit online dari layanan telemedisin, meskipun 3 responden menyebutkan surat tersebut tidak sesuai dengan kondisi kesehatan senyatanya. Sebanyak 62 responden (62%) setuju jika surat keterangan sakit dapat diberikan secara online melalui telemedisin. Dan 99 responden (99%) setuju jika terdapat regulasi mengenai penggunaan dan keabsahan surat sakit online.

Simpulan: Perlu adanya regulasi mengenai syarat dan prosedur pemeriksaan untuk mendapatkan surat keterangan sakit melalui telemedicine dan keabsahan penggunaannya. Selain itu, perlu peningkatan teknologi kedokteran dalam mendukung pemeriksaan jarak jauh melalui layanan telemedisin. 

Kata kunci: surat keterangan sakit, telemedisin, telekonsultasi


Title: Validity of Telemedicine Services Related to Online Sickness Certificates in User Perceptions and Expectations

Background: A sick leave certificate is a certificate given by a doctor to a patient who is declared sick by a doctor after going through a medical examination. Based on Article 93 paragraph (2) letter a of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, a sick leave certificate can be used by workers as a basis for obtaining permission to work when they are sick and can still receive wages. The existence of remote health services through telemedicine raises various ethical and legal issues, one of which is related to the provision of online sick certificates. This study aims to determine the perceptions and expectations of telemedicine users regarding sick certificates issued online through telemedicine services.

Methods: This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive approach which data collected using online survey and were conducted from March to June 2023 on 100 respondents.

Result: Based on the research, 11 respondents (11%) had obtained an online sick certificate, although 3 respondents stated that the letter did not match the actual conditions. As many as 62 respondents (62%) agreed that sick certificates could be provided online via telemedicine. And 99 respondents (99%) agree that there are regulations regarding the use and legitimacy of online sick notes.

Conclusion: There needs to be regulation regarding the terms and procedures for examination to obtain a sick certificate through telemedicine and the validity of its use. In addition, it is necessary to improve medical technology to support remote examinations through telemedicine services.

Keywords: online sick certificate; telemedicine; teleconsultation

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Keywords: surat keterangan sakit; telemedisin; telekonsultasi

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