Departement of Public Health, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Jl. Nakula I No. 5-11 Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 50131, Indonesia
BibTex Citation Data :
@article{MKMI66275, author = {Wanda Husna and Kismi Mubarokah}, title = {Perbedaan Sikap dan Perilaku Konsumsi Pornografi Online Pada Siswa SMP dan SMA di Kota Semarang}, journal = {MEDIA KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, year = {2024}, keywords = {Pornografi; Sikap; Perilaku; Remaja}, abstract = { Latar belakang: Perilaku pornografi dikalangan remaja adalah masalah serius yang dapat menyebabkan risiko seks pranikah dan HIV/AIDS. Kebanyakan dari mereka melihat situs pornografi secara tidak sengaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan konsumsi pornografi online dikalangan siswa SMP dan SMA di Kota Semarang. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan melibatkan 881 partisipan yang dipilih melalui stratified random sampling . Data sekunder diperoleh dari laman repository SEHARIKU (Semarang Health Data Repository Kampus UDINUS) Data kemudian dianalisis secara univariat. Data tersebut kemudian diuji secara bivariat dengan menggunakan uji mann-whitney untuk menguji sikap dan perilaku, khususnya melihat perbedaan sikap dan perilaku konsumsi pornografi online antara SMP dan SMA. Hasil: Responden pada penelitian ini dibagi berdasarkan gender dan tingkat sekolah, dimana untuk gender laki – laki pada tingkat SMP sebanyak 208 responden dan tingkat SMA sebanyak 222 responden, sedangkan untuk gender perempuan pada tingkat SMP sebanyak 224 responden dan tingkat SMA sebanyak 227 responden. Responden paling banyak berdasarkan kriteria kategori adalah kategori remaja akhir sebanyak 449 responden dari 881 total keseluruhan responden atau sebesar 50,96%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku siswa SMP mendapatkan peringkat rata-rata 459,58 dimana angka tersebut lebih baik daripada perilaku siswa SMA dengan peringkat rata-rata 423,13. Demikian pula, siswa SMP dengan peringkat rata-rata 467,18 yang berarti memiliki sikap lebih baik daripada siswa SMA dengan peringkat rata-rata 415,81. Hasil analisis menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam perilaku penggunaan pornografi (p-value 0,017) dan sikap terhadap penggunaan pornografi (p-value 0,003) di kedua tingkat sekolah. Simpulan : Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada variabel sikap dan perilaku siswa SMP dan SMA baik negeri maupun swasta terhadap konsumsi pornografi online di Kota Semarang. Kata kunci: Pornografi; Sikap; Perilaku; Remaja ABSTRACT Title: The Attitudes and Porn Use Behavior of High School Students: A Comparative Study in the City of Semarang Background : Pornographic behavior among adolescents is a serious problem that can cause the risk of premarital sex and HIV/AIDS. Most of them view pornographic sites accidentally. This research aims to analyze differences in online pornography consumption among junior high school and high school students in the city of Semarang. Method: This research uses design cross sectional involving 881 participants selected through stratified random sampling. Secondary data is obtained from the site repository SEHARIKU (Semarang Health Data Repository Kampus UDINUS) The data was then analyzed univariately. The data was then tested bivariately using the test mann-whitney to examine attitudes and behavior, specifically looking at differences in attitudes and behavior in consuming online pornography between junior high school and high school. Results: Respondents in this study were divided based on gender and school level, where for the male gender at the junior high school level there were 208 respondents and at the high school level there were 222 respondents, while for the female gender at the junior high school level there were 224 respondents and at the high school level there were 227 respondents . The largest number of respondents based on category criteria was the late teens category with 449 respondents out of 881 total respondents or 50.96%. The research results show that the behavior of junior high school students received an average rating of 459.58, which is better than the behavior of high school students with an average rating of 423.13. Likewise, junior high school students with an average rating of 467.18 which means they have a better attitude than high school students with an average rating of 415.81. The results of the analysis show significant differences in pornography use behavior (p-value 0.017) and attitudes towards pornography use (p-value 0.003) at both school levels. Conclusion : There are significant differences in the attitudes and behavior variables of junior and senior high school students, both public and private, regarding the consumption of online pornography in the city of Semarang. Keywords: Pornography; Attitude; Behavior; Adolescents }, issn = {2775-5614}, doi = {10.14710/mkmi.23.4.%p}, url = {} }
Refworks Citation Data :
Latar belakang: Perilaku pornografi dikalangan remaja adalah masalah serius yang dapat menyebabkan risiko seks pranikah dan HIV/AIDS. Kebanyakan dari mereka melihat situs pornografi secara tidak sengaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan konsumsi pornografi online dikalangan siswa SMP dan SMA di Kota Semarang.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan melibatkan 881 partisipan yang dipilih melalui stratified random sampling. Data sekunder diperoleh dari laman repository SEHARIKU (Semarang Health Data Repository Kampus UDINUS) Data kemudian dianalisis secara univariat. Data tersebut kemudian diuji secara bivariat dengan menggunakan uji mann-whitney untuk menguji sikap dan perilaku, khususnya melihat perbedaan sikap dan perilaku konsumsi pornografi online antara SMP dan SMA.
Hasil: Responden pada penelitian ini dibagi berdasarkan gender dan tingkat sekolah, dimana untuk gender laki – laki pada tingkat SMP sebanyak 208 responden dan tingkat SMA sebanyak 222 responden, sedangkan untuk gender perempuan pada tingkat SMP sebanyak 224 responden dan tingkat SMA sebanyak 227 responden. Responden paling banyak berdasarkan kriteria kategori adalah kategori remaja akhir sebanyak 449 responden dari 881 total keseluruhan responden atau sebesar 50,96%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku siswa SMP mendapatkan peringkat rata-rata 459,58 dimana angka tersebut lebih baik daripada perilaku siswa SMA dengan peringkat rata-rata 423,13. Demikian pula, siswa SMP dengan peringkat rata-rata 467,18 yang berarti memiliki sikap lebih baik daripada siswa SMA dengan peringkat rata-rata 415,81. Hasil analisis menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam perilaku penggunaan pornografi (p-value 0,017) dan sikap terhadap penggunaan pornografi (p-value 0,003) di kedua tingkat sekolah.
Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada variabel sikap dan perilaku siswa SMP dan SMA baik negeri maupun swasta terhadap konsumsi pornografi online di Kota Semarang.
Kata kunci:Pornografi; Sikap; Perilaku; Remaja
Title: The Attitudes and Porn Use Behavior of High School Students: A Comparative Study in the City of Semarang
Background: Pornographic behavior among adolescents is a serious problem that can cause the risk of premarital sex and HIV/AIDS. Most of them view pornographic sites accidentally. This research aims to analyze differences in online pornography consumption among junior high school and high school students in the city of Semarang.
Method: This research uses design cross sectional involving 881 participants selected through stratified random sampling. Secondary data is obtained from the site repository SEHARIKU (Semarang Health Data Repository Kampus UDINUS) The data was then analyzed univariately. The data was then tested bivariately using the test mann-whitney to examine attitudes and behavior, specifically looking at differences in attitudes and behavior in consuming online pornography between junior high school and high school.
Results: Respondents in this study were divided based on gender and school level, where for the male gender at the junior high school level there were 208 respondents and at the high school level there were 222 respondents, while for the female gender at the junior high school level there were 224 respondents and at the high school level there were 227 respondents . The largest number of respondents based on category criteria was the late teens category with 449 respondents out of 881 total respondents or 50.96%. The research results show that the behavior of junior high school students received an average rating of 459.58, which is better than the behavior of high school students with an average rating of 423.13. Likewise, junior high school students with an average rating of 467.18 which means they have a better attitude than high school students with an average rating of 415.81. The results of the analysis show significant differences in pornography use behavior (p-value 0.017) and attitudes towards pornography use (p-value 0.003) at both school levels.
Conclusion: There are significant differences in the attitudes and behavior variables of junior and senior high school students, both public and private, regarding the consumption of online pornography in the city of Semarang.
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Last update: 2025-02-21 15:29:20